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David Swanson — Why Ocasio-Cortez’S Platform Is Together With Then Great

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ platform is dramatically amend than many may realize. It tackles the greatest evil inwards beingness inwards a manner that no other big-2 congressional candidate’s website does together with which most practise non fifty-fifty mention. And inwards doing so, it makes serious much of the residual of her socialist platform inwards a manner that fifty-fifty presidential candidate Bernie Sanders did non — a manner promoted past times the peace movement, the Poor People’s Campaign, together with Black Lives Matter.…
By labeling her unusual policy platform “A Peace Economy,” Ocasio-Cortez, using a phrase pop amongst the peace movement, makes the fiscal connector without shying away from the immoral together with criminal together with counter-productive grapheme of war. The fact is that nation of war endangers rather than protecting, erodes rights, militarizes constabulary together with society, destroys the natural environment, straight kills together with injures together with traumatizes together with harms millions, together with — on tiptop of that — does the most harm through the diversion of resources from where they could practise good. War is the exclusively house where plenty coin sits amongst which to endeavour to protect the surroundings or to guarantee pedagogy or retirement or other basic rights. Candidates who practise non refer nation of war spending are non serious nearly the things they practise mention.
Ignorant of the currency issuer-users distinction, simply otherwise correct on. Alexandria covers the bases.

Why Ocasio-Cortez’s Platform is So Great
David Swanson

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