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Crackdown Coming? Outspoken Amazon Critic Joins Staff At Ftc (Amzn)

From ZeroHedge:
Jeff Bezos simply got a powerful novel enemy.

Less than a calendar month subsequently the Supreme Court ruled that states had a correct to collect sales taxes from Internet retails - a ruling that was interpreted equally a shot across Amazon's bow - a prominent Amazon critic has joined the staff of the Federal Trade Commission, suggesting that the major anti-trust activity that media pundits described equally a "long shot" could real good happen. According to Bloomberg, the FTC has hired Lina Khan, the managing director of legal policy at Washington mean value tank Open Markets Institute, who volition serve equally a legal beau for the side past times side few months for FTC Commissioner Rohit Chopra equally the way prepares to "increase anti-trust scrutiny of technology firms."

Khan has gained widespread notoriety thank you lot to her trenchant criticisms of Amazon. As a educatee at Yale Law School, she wrote a newspaper for the Yale Law Journal entitled "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox", inwards which she argued that the modern anti-trust enforcement framework isn't equipped to challenge Amazon's authorisation together with the terms it poses to competition. Her operate was cited past times the caput of the DOJ's antitrust segmentation inwards a vocalisation communication inwards Apr equally an representative of "fresh thinking" virtually how the DOJ tin dismiss correspond digital platforms accountable. Khan has appeared on panels to debate her persuasion that Amazon together with other technology giants inwards the online retail infinite threaten competitive markets....MORE
Although ZH doesn't link, here's the version of Amazon's Antitrust Paradox equally published inwards the YLJ (it's too at the SSRN)

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