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Caitlin Johnstone — 5 Things That Would Brand The Cia/Cnn Russia Narrative To A Greater Extent Than Believable

Rallying the basis to cutting off Russian Federation from the basis phase in addition to cripple its economic scheme has been been a goal of the U.S.A. ability institution since the collapse of the Soviet Union, hence there’s no argue to believe that fifty-fifty the people who are making the claims against Russian Federation genuinely believe them. The goal is crippling Russian Federation to handicap China, in addition to ultimately to shore upwards global hegemony for the US-centralized empire past times preventing the rising of whatever challenger superpowers. The sociopathic alliance of plutocrats in addition to intelligence/defense agencies who command that empire are willing to threaten nuclear confrontation inwards gild to ensure their continued dominance. All of their actions against Russian Federation since 2016 accept had everything to do alongside establishing long-term planetary control in addition to goose egg whatsoever to do alongside election meddling.
Those 5 things [analyzed to a higher house inwards the article] would demand to travel on earlier I’d live willing to outflow aboard the “Russia! Russia!” train. Until in addition to hence I’ll precisely hold pointing to the total lack of evidence in addition to how very, real far the CIA/CNN Russian Federation narrative is from credibility.
Questioning the narrative in addition to notice it wanting.

Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist
Five Things That Would Make The CIA/CNN Russian Federation Narrative More Believable
Caitlin Johnstone

Also past times the same author
I accept said it before, in addition to I volition say it again, in addition to I volition hold maxim it in addition to maxim it until it becomes mainstream conventional wisdom: it is the U.S.A. intelligence community’s labor to prevarication to you....
As nosotros learned inwards the Pb upwards to the Republic of Iraq invasion, whenever y'all consider all majority media outlets converge upon a unmarried narrative, it’s fourth dimension to crank your skepticism levels upwards to eleven....
The social engineers are hence expert that self-identified progressives tin give the axe live made to cheer for the FBI, self-identified nationalists tin give the axe live made to cheer for neoconservative regime modify agendas against Iran, in addition to self-identified liberals tin give the axe literally live made to fright a displace away from the possibility of nuclear holocaust....
Since mutual coldness wars per Definition depend on non-military maneuverings, a much greater emphasis is necessarily placed on psyops in addition to majority media propaganda than inwards a conventional hot war. Remain skeptical of everything y'all take away heed nearly Russian Federation at all times, because I volition say it again: it is the U.S.A. intelligence community’s labor to prevarication to you....
Two Big “Russia! Russia!” Stories Released Days Before Trump-Putin Summit

See also

Backing upwards Caitlin Johnstone's claims based on skepticism in addition to suspicion alongside authority. Must-read.
With Friday’s indictments of Russian intelligence officers, Ray McGovern in addition to Bill Binney accept written an opened upwards missive of the alphabet to President Trump making clear that the “evidence” behind the indictments is equally fraudulent equally the intelligence alleging WMD inwards Iraq. It is beingness published only hither ahead of the Trump-Putin tiptop on Monday.
Consortium News
Memo to the President Ahead of Monday’s Summit
Ray McGovern, a CIA analyst for 27 years, quondam principal of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch in addition to briefer for the President’s Daily Brief one-on-one from 1981-1985, in addition to William Binney, retired 36 twelvemonth NSA veteran, formerly technical manager of basis armed services in addition to geopolitical analysis in addition to reporting, in addition to developer of many of the collection systems soundless used past times NSA

See also
Mueller could non accept picked a to a greater extent than auspicious engagement if he weren’t an ignoramus on the history of autocracy in addition to democracy, European in addition to American. For it is 1 solar daytime later, on July 14, when every twelvemonth French Republic celebrates the start of the French Revolution. The argue for the celebration is the goal of abuse of ability past times kings in addition to pretenders to province authority, in addition to their replacement past times the democratic dominion of law. That revolution, similar the annual celebration, isn’t quite over.

What Mueller did this twelvemonth was to number what was called, earlier July 14, 1789, a lettre de cachet – a missive of the alphabet alongside the imperial signet or seal. In the French practice, this was a combination of indictment, conviction, in addition to gild for arrest, confiscation of property, in addition to penalization of an individual, who had no correct inwards police line to know the accuse against him; evidence the evidence; appeal the sentence.
The Mueller indictment of twelve officers of the Russian armed services intelligence agency, GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff) is a fresh US-Government mode lettre de cachet. It names the men accused, their crimes, in addition to the punishment. The penalties include “upon conviction [the twelve] shall forfeit to the the States whatever property, existent or personal, which constitutes or is derived from proceeds obtained straight or indirectly equally a number of such violation, in addition to whatever personal belongings that was used or intended to live used to commit or to facilitate the committee of such offense.”

Mueller has neither the ability nor the intention of trying the accused, or the particulars of his lettre, inwards an American courtroom of law. This is why on July thirteen he intended to violate the Fifth Amendment of the U.S.A. Constitution, get-go introduced inwards Philadelphia on June 8, 1789, precisely a calendar month earlier the lettre de cachet lost its ability inwards Paris. The Fifth Amendment says noone shall live “deprived of life, freedom or belongings without due procedure of law.”...
Dances alongside Bears
Robert Mueller Replaces Us Constitution With Royal Lettre De Cachet – Counter-Intelligence Operation As Due Process
John Helmer

See also

The timing of the annunciation was clearly intended to embarrass Trump equally he was coming together the Queen in addition to to undermine his upcoming coming together alongside Putin on July 16. The indictments may equally good accept been meant to embarrass Russian Federation ii days earlier the World Cup lastly to live held inwards Moscow....
“In this indictment in that location is item after item whose only root could live intelligence, yet y'all don’t role intelligence inwards documents similar this because if these defendants determine to challenge this inwards court, it opens the U.S. to having to expose sources in addition to methods,” [former CIA officeholder Larry] Johnson said.
If the U.S. invoked the states surreptitious privilege hence that classified evidence could non live revealed inwards courtroom a conviction earlier a civilian jury would live jeopardized.

Such a lawsuit is extremely unlikely however. That makes the indictment essentially a political in addition to non a legal document because it is almost inconceivable that the U.S. authorities volition accept to nowadays whatever evidence inwards courtroom to dorsum upwards its charges. This is merely because of the extreme unlikelihood that arrests of Russians living inwards Russian Federation volition always live made....
In both the IRA representative in addition to Friday’s indictments, the extremely remote possibility of convictions were non what Mueller was evidently after, but rather earth perception of Russia’s guilt resulting from fevered media coverage of what are after all only accusations, presented equally though it is established fact. Once that impression is settled into earth consciousness, Mueller’s mission would appear to live accomplished....
It is non only allies of Trump, equally the Times thinks, who believe the timing of the indictments, indeed the entire Russia-gate scandal, is intended to forestall Trump from pursuing detente alongside nuclear-armed Russia. Trump said of the indictments that, “I recollect that genuinely hurts our province in addition to it genuinely hurts our human relationship alongside Russia. I recollect that nosotros would accept a direct chances to accept a real goodness human relationship alongside Russian Federation in addition to a real goodness direct chances — a real goodness human relationship alongside President Putin.”
There sure as shooting appear to live powerful forces inwards the U.S. that desire to halt that....
Consortium News
Clinging to Collusion: Why Evidence Will Probably Never Be Produced inwards the Indictments of ‘Russian Agents’
Joe Lauria | editor-in-chief of Consortium News in addition to a quondam correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Lord's Day Times of London, in addition to other newspapers

See also
NOTE: There volition probable live diverse amendments made to this article over the side past times side 24 hours.
Disobedient Media
Mueller’s Latest Indictment Contradicts Evidence In The Public Domain
Adam Carter

See also
This is the variety of political climate that the Trump direction has been forced to bargain alongside for almost ii years – a non-stop total courtroom rush from the Democrats.
And now, when in that location is a direct chances for the smallest breakthrough inwards US-Russia relations, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, rolls out charges against 12 Russian armed services officials, thereby severely polluting the atmosphere for the Putin-Trump summit.
Clearly, something has got to give 1 way or the other. The fate of relations betwixt the world’s ii premier nuclear powers tin give the axe no longer live held hostage to poor-sport Democrats who merely do non know how to lose an election alongside grace.
Strategic Culture Foundation
US Deep State Hits Putin-Trump Summit alongside Preemptive Strike equally Russiagate Fizzles Out
Robert Bridge

The story is "developing." In the absence of evidence, it looks similar disinformation in addition to pysops.

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