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Bureaucratic Theory Of Administration Past Times Max Weber

 was developed past times a High German Sociologist too political economist  Bureaucratic Theory of Management past times Max Weber Bureaucratic Theory past times Max Weber

Bureaucratic Theory was developed past times a High German Sociologist too political economist Max Weber (1864-1920). According to him, bureaucracy is the close efficient cast of organisation. The scheme has a well-defined describe of authority. It has clear rules too regulations which are strictly followed.

 was developed past times a High German Sociologist too political economist  Bureaucratic Theory of Management past times Max Weber

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According to Max Weber, at that spot are 3 types of ability inwards an scheme :-

  1. Traditional Power,
  2. Charismatic Power, and
  3. Bureaucratic Power Or Legal Power.

 was developed past times a High German Sociologist too political economist  Bureaucratic Theory of Management past times Max Weber Features of Bureaucratic Organisation

The characteristics or features of Bureaucratic Organisation are equally follows :-

  1. There is a high flat of Division of Labour too Specialisation.
  2. There is a good defined Hierarchy of Authority.
  3. It follows the regulation of Rationality, Objectively too Consistency.
  4. There are Formal too Impersonal relations amid the fellow member of the organisation.
  5. Interpersonal relations are based on positions too non on personalities.
  6. There are good defined Rules too Regulations. There rules encompass all the duties too rights of the employees. These rules must endure strictly followed.
  7. There are good defined Methods for all types of work.
  8. Selection too Promotion is based on Technical qualifications.
  9. Only Bureaucratic or legal ability is given importance.

 was developed past times a High German Sociologist too political economist  Bureaucratic Theory of Management past times Max Weber Criticism of Bureaucratic Organisation

Bureaucratic scheme is a real stiff type of organisation. It does non give importance to human relations. It is suitable for regime organisations. It is too suitable for organisations where alter is real slow. It is appropriate for static organisations.

Bureaucratic scheme is criticised because of the next reasons :-

  1. Too much emphasis on rules too regulations. The rules too regulations are stiff too inflexible.
  2. No importance is given to informal groups. Nowadays, informal groups play an of import purpose inwards all trouble concern organisations.
  3. Bureaucracy involves a lot of newspaper work. This results inwards lot of wastage of time, endeavor too money.
  4. There volition endure unnecessary delay inwards decision-making due to formalities too rules.
  5. Bureaucratic model may endure suitable for regime organisations. But it is non suitable for trouble concern organisations because trouble concern organisations believe inwards quick determination making too flexibility inwards procedures.
  6. Too much importance is given to the technical qualifications of the employees for advertisement too transfers. Dedication too commitment of the employee is non considered.
  7. There is difficulty inwards coordination too communication.
  8. There is express range for Human Resource (HR).

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