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What Is Coordination? Pregnant In Addition To Articles On Co-Ordination

 these activities for achieving the objectives of the scheme What is Coordination? Meaning as well as Articles on Co-ordination What is Coordination?

In the organisation, at that topographic point are many individuals, groups as well as departments. They perform many dissimilar activities. Co-ordination way to integrate (i.e. convey together) these activities for achieving the objectives of the organisation.

 these activities for achieving the objectives of the scheme What is Coordination? Meaning as well as Articles on Co-ordination

Image Credits © Catholic Church (England as well as Wales)

 these activities for achieving the objectives of the scheme What is Coordination? Meaning as well as Articles on Co-ordination Meaning of Coordination

"Co-ordination way integration of activities."

Coordination is done to attain the objectives of the organisation. Co-ordination is a process. It is non fixed. It applies to grouping activities. It does non apply to private activities. The managers select to brand exceptional efforts to instruct coordination. Coordination does non come upward automatically. Co-ordination leads to unity of action.

Coordination encourages squad spirit. It gives proper administration to the organisation. It motivates the employees. It makes proper work of the resources. Coordination affects all the functions of management. Therefore, it is likewise called the "Essence of Management".

 these activities for achieving the objectives of the scheme What is Coordination? Meaning as well as Articles on Co-ordination Articles On Coordination

Read similar or related articles on the concept of coordination :-

  1. Co-ordination is the Essence of Management.
  2. Importance of Coordination.
  3. Principles of Coordination.

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