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Tom Luongo — Trump Dangles Wooden Carrots At Russia Over Crimea

Typically skilful analysis in addition to assessment from Tom Luongo.

Strategic Culture Foundation
Trump Dangles Wooden Carrots at Russian Federation over Crimea
Tom Luongo

See also

Also good.

DJT read this right. Brilliant on many levels. Even if this is all he accomplishes, he has secured his legacy in addition to may emerge inward historical reflection every bit a slap-up president.
But this elevation betwixt what is certainly the oddest duad inward modern diplomatic history may good launch the almost serious endeavor nevertheless to cease the U.S.-North Korean conflict.
To this I would add together that a big argue that this is happening is that Kim in addition to Trump are alike inward telephone substitution respects, enabling them to feel that a bargain was inward the making. 

For example, bring out the dismissive agency that DJT treated the other G-7 leaders in addition to how he treats Kim, Xi in addition to Putin. And it is non that they are swain "authoritarians" either. This gives acceptance to the "great man" theory of history.
US Public Being Misled on Trump-Kim Summit
Gareth Porter

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