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Importance Of Coordination - Why Co-Ordination Is Necessary?

 It is done for achieving the goals of the scheme Importance of Coordination - Why Co-ordination is Necessary? Why Coordination is Necessary?

Coordination agency to integrate (bring together) all the activities of an organization. It is done for achieving the goals of the organization. There must live on proper co-ordination throughout the organization.

 It is done for achieving the goals of the scheme Importance of Coordination - Why Co-ordination is Necessary?

According to management experts, coordination is necessary because:

  1. "Coordination is the Essence of Management." I.e. Coordination affects all the functions of management, viz., Planning, Organizing, Staffing, etc.
  2. Coordination is a function of management.
  3. Coordination is a regulation of management, in addition to all other principles are included inward this 1 principle, i.e. Co-ordination is the "Mother Principle".
  4. According to Mary Parker Follett, Coordination is the "Plus-value of the group". That is, if at that spot is goodness Co-ordination therefore the combined grouping achievement volition live on greater than the full of the private achievement, i.e. 2+2=5. This is impossible inward the physical world, simply it is possible inward human affairs through co-ordination.

 It is done for achieving the goals of the scheme Importance of Coordination - Why Co-ordination is Necessary? Importance of Coordination

The demand in addition to importance of coordination tin flame live on judged from these points:

 It is done for achieving the goals of the scheme Importance of Coordination - Why Co-ordination is Necessary?

  1. It encourages squad spirit,
  2. It gives proper direction,
  3. It facilitates motivation,
  4. It makes optimum utilization of resources,
  5. It helps to accomplish objectives quickly,
  6. It improves relations inward the organization,
  7. It leads to higher efficiency and
  8. It improves goodwill of the organization.

1. Coordination encourages squad spirit

There exists many conflicts in addition to rivalries betwixt individuals, departments, betwixt a business in addition to staff, etc. Similarly, conflicts are too betwixt private objectives in addition to organizational objectives. Coordination arranges the piece of job in addition to the objectives inward such a way that at that spot are minimum conflicts in addition to rivalries. It encourages the employees to piece of job equally a squad in addition to accomplish the mutual objectives of the organization. This increases the squad spirit of the employees.

2. Coordination gives proper direction

There are many departments inward the organization. Each subdivision performs dissimilar activities. Coordination integrates (bring together) these activities for achieving the mutual goals or objectives of the organization. Thus, coordination gives proper management to all the departments of the organization.

3. Coordination facilitates motivation

Coordination gives consummate liberty to the employees. It encourages the employees to demonstrate initiative. It too gives them many fiscal in addition to non-financial incentives. Therefore, the employees larn project satisfaction, in addition to they are motivated to perform better.

4. Coordination makes optimum utilization of resources

Coordination helps to convey together the human in addition to fabric resources of the organization. It helps to brand optimum utilization of resources. These resources are used to accomplish the objectives of the organization. Coordination too minimizes the wastage of resources inward the organization.

5. Coordination helps to accomplish objectives quickly

Coordination helps to minimize the conflicts, rivalries, wastages, delays in addition to other organizational problems. It ensures shine working of the organization. Therefore, alongside the assist of coordination an scheme tin flame accomplish its objectives easily in addition to quickly.

6. Coordination improves relations inward the organization

The Top Level Managers coordinates the activities of the Middle Level Managers in addition to railroad train goodness relations alongside them. Similarly, the Middle Level Managers coordinate the activities of the Lower Level Managers in addition to railroad train goodness relations alongside them. Also, the Lower Level Managers coordinate the activities of the workers in addition to railroad train goodness relations alongside them. Thus, coordination, overall improves the relations inward the organization.

7. Coordination leads to higher efficiency

Efficiency is the human relationship betwixt Returns in addition to Cost. There volition live on higher efficiency when the returns are to a greater extent than in addition to the cost is less. Since coordination leads to optimum utilization of resources it results inward to a greater extent than returns in addition to depression cost. Thus, coordination leads to higher efficiency.

8. Coordination improves goodwill of the organization

Coordination helps an scheme to sell high character goods in addition to services at lower prices. This improves the goodwill of the scheme in addition to helps it earn a goodness cite in addition to icon inward the marketplace in addition to corporate world.

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