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Wsw - Julian Assange Is Inward Danger

Julian Assange is inward immense danger. Remarks made this calendar week past times Ecuador’s unusual government minister advise that her authorities may travel preparing to renege on the political asylum it granted to the WikiLeaks editor inward 2012 together with mitt him over to British together with and thence American authorities.
On March 28, nether immense delineate per unit of measurement area from the governments inward the US, UK together with other powers, Republic of Ecuador imposed a consummate ban on Assange having whatever Internet or telephone contact amongst the exterior world, together with blocked his friends together with supporters from physically visiting him. For 45 days, he has non been heard from.
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa stated inward a Spanish-language interview on Midweek that her authorities together with UK “have the intention together with the involvement that this travel resolved.” Moves were underway, she said, to arrive at a “definite agreement” on Assange.
World Socialist Web

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