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Phillip Farruggio - To Protect Too Serve… The Empire

Writer Eric Zuesse wrote a keen novel slice ” How Democracy Ended ” seen on a few fine sites. In it he shows how our United States of America of America as well as then called commonwealth is truly a scam controlled past times the super rich. When all else fails to halt a political momentum, the ii parties bring ever resorted to ‘ The Fix is in’. To this writer, the ‘ laid upwardly ‘ that Zuesse alludes to is deeply nesting inward both our mainstream media as well as our elected as well as enabling ii political party structure.
The police describe bring that wonderful maxim ‘ To protect as well as serve’. In many cases, witnessed at times throughout the years past times this writer, local police describe bring done but that. Sadly, inward but equally many instances, they bring ‘ protected as well as served ‘ the individual holding as well as rights of the super rich. Remembering the keen task disputes spanning perchance since the beginnings of our republic, it was ever the ‘ Cops’ who came inward on the side of the corporate few. It has ever been equally IF the corporate domain was the castle as well as the bang workers the barbarians. Instead of beingness in that place to ‘ protect as well as serve’ both adversaries, the police describe ever stood inward front end of the bosses vs. the working stiffs.
Well, nosotros bring that inward spades inward non alone our mainstream corporate owned as well as operated media, but also inward the 3 branches of this government. The mainstream media was ever controlled, but since 9/11 it went on steroids! Most of us who truly report history ( from non mainstream sources ) knew that the Republic of Iraq debacle was based on hearsay as well as fabricated lies as well as one-half truths. The whole ‘ War on Terror ‘ was what the piece of cake keen Gore Vidal named ‘ Perpetual War’. Wars continue the natives inward line. Wars brand lots of coin for a pick out corporate few ( General Smedley Butler’s 1935 essay ‘ War is a Racket’), as well as wars help justify our obscene as well as bloated armed services spending ( duh, similar over 50% our federal taxation revenue). And who serves this War Economy as well as then well? The media as well as of course of educational activity the Congress.
Most of the members of Congress are rattling wealthy people, peculiarly inward the Senate. Regardless of that, they rely on the donations of the super rich, through personal as well as PAC money, to fund their re-elections. The piece of cake Sen. Paul Simon of Illinois i time stated: ” When I leave of absence on the crusade trail, as well as I come upwardly dorsum to my hotel room, I ordinarily bring a whole bunch of messages. I larn through them, as well as unfortunately, but honestly, if I come across the mention of someone who has given large donations to my campaign, I make telephone telephone that soul first. Sadly, that is the means it is.” Simon was truly i of the most progressive Senators at the time, as well as he knew the realities. Money talks. That was inward the piece of cake 80s as well as early on 90s. Now it is 100 times worse. You lookout adult man the hearings on C-Span as well as all yous come across are ‘ talking heads ‘ speaking NOT for their constituents… rather for their corporate handlers… from BOTH parties!
We are most to enter, equally a nation, into an economical abyss, as well as hopefully not, a novel hot war. All those who are in that place to ‘ Protect as well as Serve ‘ this empire volition give us are to a greater extent than of the same: Hype, spin, lies as well as one-half truths!

Philip Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Farruggio is a boy as well as grandson of Brooklyn , NYC longshoremen. He has been a gratis lance columnist since 2001, alongside over 300 of his move posted on sites similar Consortium News, Information Clearing House, Global Research ,Nation of Change, World News Trust, Op Ed News, Dissident Voice, Counterpunch, Activist Post, Sleuth Journal, Truthout as well as many others. His weblog tin last read inward total on World News Trust., whereupon he writes a keen bargain on the postulate to cutting armed services spending drastically as well as ship the savings dorsum to relieve our cities. Philip has an cyberspace interview show, ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid’ alongside producer Chuck Gregory, as well as tin last reached at 

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