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German Deficit Hawk Out Hunting

Not practiced tidings for Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany financial policy meanwhile ECB monetary policy is effectively the around punitive on planet world peculiarly towards perennial surplus Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany (Warren's '10th plague').

Puts to a greater extent than pressure level on the U.S.A. of America financial policy equally entirely field out in that place currently helping. This negative High German financial policy is itself bearish EUR;  merely if U.S.A. of America tin larn over this electrical flow number of pinched banking concern majuscule before long (seems similar all the same a BIG 'if'... though FD I convey close ZERO patience...) therefore sloooow main bullish EUR tendency could in all likelihood resume.

In the meantime expect for to a greater extent than dandy deals on autos from Volkswagen hither inwards the U.S.A. of America together with a 1.20 EUR/USD until they tin foremost to enhance to a greater extent than or less prices for their European products imo...

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