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A brusk oped for the Wall Street Journal here  on stock buybacks. As usual, they inquire me non to post service the whole affair for thirty days though y'all tin give notice detect it ungated if y'all search. An excerpt:
... Buybacks produce non automatically brand shareholders wealthier. Suppose Company H5N1 has $100 cash together with a manufactory worth $100. It has issued 2 shares, each worth $100. The company’s shareholders convey $200 inwards wealth.  Imagine the companionship uses its $100 inwards cash to purchase dorsum 1 share. Now its shareholders convey 1 portion worth $100, together with $100 inwards cash. Their wealth remains the same.
Wouldn’t it hold out ameliorate if the companionship invested the extra cash? Wasn’t that the quest of the taxation cut? Perhaps. But mayhap this companionship doesn’t convey whatever ideas worth investing in. Not every companionship needs to expand at whatever given moment.
Now suppose Company B has an thought for a profitable novel venture that volition cost $100 to acquire going. The most natural movement for investors is to invest their $100 inwards Company B yesteryear buying its stock or bonds. With the infusion of cash, Company B tin give notice similar a shot fund its venture.
 [Left out: The choice would hold out for companionship H5N1 to lend the coin to companionship B or to purchase its stock. But why are the managers of companionship A, out of its ain ideas, ameliorate than its investors at spotting other companies amongst novel projects to invest the stockholders’ money?]
The frequent rising inwards stock cost when companies denote buybacks proves the point. In my example, Company A’s portion cost stays fixed at $100 when it buys dorsum a share. But suppose earlier the buyback investors were nervous the companionship would waste materials $40 of the $100 cash. Imagine an overpriced merger or excessive executive bonuses. Not every investment is wise! 
The $100, stuck within Company A, would hold out valued yesteryear the marketplace seat at $60 together with the company’s full value would hold out $160, or $80 a share. If it spent the $100 to purchase dorsum 1 share, the other portion would rising from $80 to $100, the value of its practiced factory. 
When a companionship without peachy ideas repurchases shares, the cost of the remaining shares rise. This stock cost rising is no gift to shareholders. It is exactly the market’s recognition that $100 has been saved from inefficient investment.
Full oped inwards thirty days.


Based on follow upwards commentary, it's pretty clear than 99% of people produce non empathise the point: It's non near what companies produce amongst today's profits. The instance for buybacks is non that cash must chase investment. The quest of the taxation cutting is the profitability of novel investment. Without that, somebody volition yet exactly sit down on the cash. With that, coin volition detect its fashion to novel investment. Otherwise, we're exactly putting coin from the correct steal to the left pocket. Investment inwards the cease comes when it is profitable, looking forward. Nothing near who gets what purpose of today's profits has anything to produce amongst it. I volition stress this side yesteryear side time! H5N1 practiced learning experience.

Tyler Cowen has a good Bloomberg View focusing on this point, my emphasis:
A basic regulation of economical reasoning is to intend inwards terms of existent resources, non exactly the first-round flows of money. If a major enterprise engages inwards buybacks, that only transfers coin from 1 laid of hands to exactly about other -- from the corporate entity to the shareholders. It doesn’t destroy existent resources or create upwards one's heed their terminal disposition. The coin could yet become to a venture majuscule fund, or into mortal equity or a existent estate investment trust, inwards improver to numerous other undertakings, all of which powerfulness boost investment together with existent wages.

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