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9 Hr Railway Station

Marginal Revolution).

Yes, it's basically a propaganda video, but interesting yet every bit a reflection on infrastructure.  The video does non order how long China spent on environmental review -- did it disturb wetlands, threaten diverse species, what's it's carbon footprint -- legal review -- is it paying prevalining spousal human relationship wages, was it bid amongst proper woman soul together with minority headed construction fellowship gear upward asides -- did it stimulate got community input, consistency amongst planning targets together with thence on. I dubiety it was the oh, 10 years or thence that takes inward the US.

To hold out clear, I am non maxim all that is useless. China has awful pollution,  and our reviews arrive at something.  China doesn't bother amongst the niceties of individual belongings ownership, eminent domain proceedings, together with legal challenges when they desire to build a railway. These don't but triple or to a greater extent than the toll of projects, mail vast sums of coin to well-connected companies together with lawyers together with lobbyists, together with delay projects for decades. But they too stimulate got that effect.

It's too interesting every bit a pivot manufactory visit.  With that many people on a job, I would stimulate got idea they would hold out getting inward each other's way. This video seems to deny the Q theory of investment! Some are standing, but a remarkable divulge are working hard. Of course, the video is edited.

When I lookout adult man U.S. of A. infrastructure projects, I come across a lot of people standing roughly or "supervising" the 1 pitiful sob who is genuinely doing the work. That ratio seems a lot lower here.

There are a lot of machines.  The days of China substituting lots together with lots of labor for working capital missive of the alphabet are gone. The Chinese stimulate got taken Milton Friedman's advice. (On a see to a dam, Friedman noticed people using shovels. He asked why they didn't run bulldozers. The answer was to grade to a greater extent than people employment. Friedman responded, why thence don't y'all brand them run spoons?) This is non a novel observation, but the video is a practiced reminder from afar.

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