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Salt Margins

I scream back most of the fighting misses an of import betoken virtually the province too local revenue enhancement deduction -- incentives.

Suppose yous are inwards the top, (roughly) 40% marginal federal revenue enhancement bracket.  If yous pay an extra $100 inwards province taxes, yous deduct $100 from income, too pay $40 less inwards federal taxes. So, yous genuinely exclusively pay $60 inwards province taxes. The federal authorities effectively transfers $40 to the province from taxpayers inwards other states.

That's a large incentive to enhance coin every bit deductible taxes from high-bracket revenue enhancement payers! This incentive doesn't function if the province raises taxes from lower bracket taxpayers.

California's revenue enhancement system, for example, seems to reply heartily to this incentive. California's income revenue enhancement charge per unit of measurement is highly progressive, topping out at 13.3%.  As reported inwards the Sacramento Bee
Nearly xc per centum of the coin [income revenue enhancement receipts]  comes from one-fifth of the taxpayers – those making $91,000...Forty-five per centum of the state’s income revenue enhancement coin comes from the top 1 per centum of filers – those alongside adjusted gross income of at to the lowest degree $501,000.
and, therefore, inwards the highest Federal revenue enhancement bracket, too also probable to itemize deductions.

The province of California relies a lot on income taxes. The state of California gets 65% of its revenue from private income taxes, 22% from sales taxes, too 8% from corporate taxes.

The green stories virtually California residuum on its progressive, redistributionist politics, too at that topographic point is sure much of that rhetoric around. But it also happens to live responding perfectly rationally to a strong incentive.

Conservatives induce got long objected to governments that pass other people's -- taxpayers' -- coin unwisely.  But coin raised from taxpayers from other states, who create non vote inwards your elections, provides doubly bad incentives.

This strikes me every bit a strong economical declaration against deductibility of province too local taxes, that hasn't been made loudly enough. Of course of study no declaration (pro or con) based on incentives has been made loudly enough!

This strikes me every bit theme of many things needing reform America. The New York Times  report on astounding infrastructure costs rang a nerve. Most infrastructure is directed past times province too local officials, who pass Federal money.  Medicaid remains a matching fund -- the province spends a dollar, the federal authorities chips inwards a dollar.  The movement to plow it inwards to a block grant, which failed concluding summer, would induce got removed this incentive.  Federal coin too province command is a mutual designing inwards social programs, and John Cogan explains good the legal too institutional argue for this separation inwards our history. But it leads to atrocious incentives.

Perhaps a full general reform lesson is that states should induce got to enhance the marginal dollar for anything from their ain voters.

PS. I was long for the deductibility of SALT on the grounds that it keeps downwards the total revenue enhancement rate. If both federal too province accuse 50%, alongside deductibility yous proceed 25% of your income (Federal takes 50%, province takes 50% of what's left, too so yous induce got 25%.) With hundreds of dissimilar taxes, it is possible to move past times 100%! However, I've been persuaded these incentives are to a greater extent than important. Moreover, if paying twice is such a problem, dearest California, yous tin hand the sack brand federal revenue enhancement payments deductible from state income. I create non listen a groundswell for this solution.


Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few commenters (and past times email) claim that California pays to a greater extent than to the federal authorities than it gets back. The betoken is non the overall subsidy, the betoken is on the margin. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 marginal $100 leads to a marginal $40 cross subsidy, no affair who pays who on average.

Also create non confuse margins too levels for people. The loss of SALT deductibility hurts a lot less on average than on the margin. Someone paying 13.3% marginal province revenue enhancement inwards California exclusively pays that charge per unit of measurement on income over $1,000,000. So their total loss from the loss of SALT is non equivalent to paying federal taxes on the total 13.3%.


The master post contained the next paragraph, which was wrong, too so I took it out.
Property taxes inwards California raise virtually $60 billion, roughly equal to the total raised from personal income taxes.  Since the province is habitation to extremes of housing values, thank yous to solid ground job too edifice restrictions, belongings taxes are also raised largely from people inwards high revenue enhancement brackets, too so benefiting from the twoscore cents on the dollar subsidy from the residuum of the country. (This is a guess. If yous know of information on belongings revenue enhancement past times income brackets, I'd similar to run across it.) 
It occasioned the next updates too the  next post which genuinely shows how incorrect it is.


Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 reader sent me links to 2 wonderful resources, "real estate taxes paid past times income bracket, too past times state, available every bit purpose of the IRS Statistics of Income:

California here: (Lines 74-75)

All states too national summary here: (Lines 75-76)

Individual province files too additional data:

From the California analysis:

The row "real estate taxes, amount" too next addresses the enquiry I asked inwards the weblog -- to what extent is the obviously apartment belongings revenue enhancement genuinely progressive? It's non every bit much every bit I thought. The top 2 categories pay 37% too 14% of existent estate taxes, though they bay 72% too 49% of income taxes. (The tabular array verifies the province numbers on how concentrated California's income revenue enhancement receipts are.) In retrospect, fifty-fifty overpriced existent estate is a normal proficient -- people don't pay larger fractions of their income on existent estate every bit they larn to a greater extent than income -- too so a apartment existent estate revenue enhancement volition enhance to a greater extent than coin from people alongside higher incomes, but non a higher fraction of income.

The tabular array is fascinating, too a clear mine for weblog posts. One large lesson that sticks out to me (ok, confirmation of something I've been mulling for a while) is but how meaningless income is every bit a social yardstick. Our policy discussions utter virtually "low income people" every bit if that is a permanent caste distinction. Yet await how many people alongside 1000000 dollar incomes are taking unemployment compensation! In the side past times side row, but who are people alongside nether $1 of income? You imagine homeless people roaming the streets of San Francisco. Well, of the 286,000 such people inwards California 51,000 are s-corporation owners who lost money, collectively $5 billion.

Update 2 

Morris Davis sends along the next information on belongings revenue enhancement / family income.

Just how much are belongings taxes every bit a fraction of income? It's interesting for a lot of reasons. For one, total taxes  matter to the economy. Too many commenters determine that the top federal charge per unit of measurement of 42% (last year) is depression too nosotros ought to revenue enhancement people more. They forget province too local income taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, corporate taxes, etc. etc. And belongings taxes.

Granted, we're veering off topic here, but hither is the table. New Jersey, where Morris lives, has the highest revenue enhancement rates. California is upwards there, but proffer xiii too a lot of low-priced inland areas must outset ridiculous theatre prices inwards the coastal areas.

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