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Corporate Revenue Enhancement Burden Again

This post continues the question, who bears the burden of the corporate tax? The adjacent post volition receive got broader thoughts on the taxation conception too economists' reaction to it.

I'm responding inward many ways to Larry Summers, who weighed inward on the corporate taxes number inward a  final post with  a occupation solid problem
\[\max (1-\tau) \left[ F(K,L) - wL \right] - rK \]
Notice past times the trend how a corporate taxation is unlike from a sales tax. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sales taxation only applies to output, thence the occupation solid occupation is
\[\max (1-\tau)  F(K,L) - wL  - rK \]
The sales taxation distorts the determination to hire labor. The corporate taxation does non distort that determination -- nosotros  have \(F_L=w\) because the taxation applies to both of them.

But what if dividend payments were taxation deductible? Then we'd have
\[\max (1-\tau) \left[ F(K,L) - wL - rK \right] \]
too the determination to invest would non live distorted past times the corporate tax. Perhaps to a greater extent than clearly, suppose investment is financed past times retained income, too investment expenditures are completely deductible. Then the firm's occupation is   
\[\max (1-\tau) \left[ F(K,L) - wL  - K_{t+1}-(1-\delta)K_t \right] \] where \(\delta\) is depreciation.  Again if it's within the brackets, the corporate taxation does non distort the decision.

If you've taken an economic science course, yous rapidly spy the problem. If the corporate taxation lets firms deduct payments to workers, too then lets firms deduct payments to capital, in that location isn't anything left! \(F(K,L)=F_K K + F_L L = rK + wL\). If economical profits are zero, too nosotros taxation economical profits, nosotros don't distort whatever decisions, but nosotros don't heighten whatever coin either.

So suppose forthwith in that location is a monopoly element, thence \(F(K,L) > wL + rK\), revenue exceeds payments to labor too the payments necessary to learn physical capital. Now in that location is, apparently,  a profit, a pure rent, that tin live taxed without distortion!

That is apparently the golden goose of world finance: some rootage of pure rent, some completely inelastically supplied factor, that tin live taxed too does non distort whatever decision.

Then, too this is the crucial point, Larry (and Paul too company) are asserting that taxing corporate profits does non discourage investment inward whatever is producing corporate profits, thence it is non-distorting.

Well, is that true?

Here is where I learn a trivial frustrated at the eastward coast approach to economical policy making. OK, in that location is a novel thought floating to a greater extent than or less the correct cocktail parties: "monopoly rents" are on the rise. So nosotros must rapidly "do something," or inward this instance offering a novel argue for the same one-time answer, corporate taxes.

Really? If in that location is pervasive monopoly inward the economy, why isn't the correct world policy reply to arrive at something almost the monopoly? More to the betoken here, earlier nosotros start taxing things, it is vital to sympathize what the rootage of the "monopoly" lucre actually is, too live actually certain that taxing it volition non discourage its production, just similar that of physical capital. There is something to the story. Measures of entry too dynamism are indeed trend down. Corporate profits too stock prices are high, but investment is non next them. High profits should atomic number 82 to a wishing to expand. But if yous don't sympathize it, yous tin come upward rapidly to incorrect answers.

There are 2 natural stories for monopoly: 1) Government license. Just almost every long-lasting monopoly inward history is thence because of regime restrictions on entry too competition. Think taxicabs earlier Uber. We just had a huge increment inward rule of almost 40% of the economic scheme inward Obamacare too Dodd-Frank, posing explicit too implicit barriers to entry. Regulation too compliance costs receive got increased dramatically inward many other parts of the economic scheme equally well.  But if this is the case, government-created monopoly too and then regime taxation of its rents hardly seems similar the ideal policy mix.

2) Intellectual property. Larry mentions this one. Google is, the floor goes, a "monopoly" because it has intellectual belongings others can't match. Drug companies are "monopolies" because they receive got patents that allow them to accuse high prices for drugs. Here I recall Larry's (and, to a greater extent than vocally, Paul's) declaration falls apart.  Intellectual belongings is not an exogenous fixed factor, the "land" of the reason tax. Intellectual belongings is produced. If Google or the drug companies receive got rents to intellectual property, this is exactly the high charge per unit of measurement of render that provides incentive for people to arrive at novel intellectual property. And taxing it away kills that incentive. Go correct dorsum to Greg's math, too relabel "K" equally intellectual property.

In sum, for the monopoly declaration to learn through, the monopoly rent must accrue to some actually fixed factor, or to some economically wasteful investment such equally lobbying. If the monopoly rent accrues to intellectual property, or anything else that must live produced, too then we're correct dorsum where nosotros started too corporate taxes harm economical growth, investment, too wages.

The declaration is to a greater extent than pervasive. Corporate equally good equally personal income taxes touching on people's determination to pick out careers, to start a companionship rather than accept a steady project as, say, an economic science teacher. The subsequent profits may expect similar "rents," but they are returns to human upper-case missive of the alphabet investments, which volition learn away if taxed to highly.

Suppose in that location is, however, some permanent monopoly power, too it accrues to some fixed factor that electrical flow companies have, too volition receive got forever.  Never hear how Google unseated the "monopoly" of AOL, Yahoo, too Netscape.  Even so, how monopoly ability changes optimal taxes is non (to me, at least) obvious.

The inquiry is non almost private firm's monopoly power. The inquiry is monopoly ability inward the whole corporate sector. This is the reverse side of the commons fallacy of composition inward taxation. Usually, a occupation solid may scream, "we can't pay taxes, since if nosotros heighten our prices we'll lose all our business." The occupation solid ignores the fact that everyone else has to pay the taxation too, thence everyone else has to heighten their prices. The firm demand bend is irrelevant; the industry need bend is irrelevant; what matters is the need bend of the whole corporate sector.  Individual monopoly ability is non at all apparently relevant to that question.

My showtime instinct was inward fact the opposite. He or she bears the taxation who cannot learn out of the way. Hence, if firms receive got monopoly ability over prices too wages, they receive got to a greater extent than ability to heighten prices too payoff to pay taxes. This turns out non to live right, or at to the lowest degree upward to the entry too leave of absence margin which I haven't examined. (If yous brand companies pay thence much taxes that they learn out of business, yous learn fewer companies.)

The argue is that inward the presence of monopoly power, firms receive got already raised prices too lowered wages, too adding a corporate taxation does not alter their incentive. Here is where much of Krugman's writing on monopoly goes wrong, inward my opinion. The fact that in that location is to a greater extent than coin in that location does non hateful that when yous heighten taxes yous learn the money. Tax theory has to live almost which decisions are changed past times the tax. You tin sense inward the "monopoly" writing almost a feeling that "tax the corporations" mightiness brand sense, inward business office to address righteous indignation at monopoly. But it soundless just ain't so.

Perhaps weblog readers are aware of a handling of corporate taxes inward the presence of monopoly too monopsony ability of similar clarity to Greg Mankiw's illustration covered inward the last post. It mightiness start amongst Dixit-Stieglitz monopolistically competitive producers, also hiring inward differentiated labor markets giving some monopsony power, too learn all the full general equilibrium parts right.

The inefficiency of the corporate taxation equally redistribution 

So, inward the final chain of "suppose I'm incorrect almost all that," let's suppose Larry is correct -- corporate taxes arrive at come upward out out of stockholders' pockets, too wage growth next a corporate taxation cutting would live small.

Look at the argument. It is only income-based redistribution. Larry, the preeminent world finance economist of his generation, does non brand arguments almost economical efficiency, taxation efficiency, growth of the pie overall, the insane crony-capitalist rot past times which the effective corporate taxation charge per unit of measurement is one-half its stated rate, or whatever of the other things economists commonly recall almost when evaluating a tax. His bottom draw is that a corporate taxation cutting volition heighten wages, but non enough, too it volition heighten stock prices, but likewise much, too the increment inward the size of the pie is non worth letting the stockholders learn to a greater extent than than he wants them to.

OK, but fifty-fifty so, the corporate taxation is an insanely inefficient trend to redistribute income.

Yes, straight stockholders are to a greater extent than wealthy than the average person. But arrive at non forget that most stock is forthwith held past times institutions -- pension funds, including those of nation too local regime employees that are almost to sink Illinois too California, nonprofit endowments, 401(k) plans, too thence on.

Another interesting fact almost rich people is that they don't pass stock marketplace gains. (I'm pretty certain Larry would endorse this fact, for example, when disliking stimulus efforts that operate through higher stock prices.) So consumption inequality does non rise. "Paper" wealth rises, until the adjacent stock marketplace crash. Is this actually thence terrible?

Moreover, why must every unmarried chemical factor of the taxation code live evaluated on its ain for its impact on redistribution across income categories? Why must every unmarried alter inward the taxation code ever increment income-based redistribution, too live evaluated only on that basis?

Why is it out of consideration to eliminate the highly distorting corporate taxation too brand upward the redistribution amongst a to a greater extent than progressive personal income tax, or amongst elimination of the nation too local deduction, mortgage involvement deduction, wellness tending deduction, too charitable deduction, which only arrive at goodness people inward the highest taxation brackets. (Those deductions actually are "tax cuts for the rich!")?

And does the regime non pass money? And is non the vast bulk of that coin spent on redistribution (social security, medicare, medicaid, pensions, etc.?)

Economists receive got a few basic insights to contribute to world policy. 1) Don't taxation vino to a greater extent than than beer inward an examine to redistribute income. Do redistribution efficiently through a progressive income or ameliorate consumption tax. 2) Evaluate things similar redistribution comprehensively, non on a instance past times instance basis. You tin arrive at a lot ameliorate if yous are allowed to merchandise off a trivial less redistribution inward a grossly inefficient taxation for a trivial to a greater extent than redistribution inward a less inefficient taxation or inward a spending program.

Yes, Democratic politicians receive got decided that their best talking betoken is to echo "tax cuts for the rich" no thing what the Administration too congressional republicans propose, too to laid on elements they don't similar (corporate taxation cuts) on that basis, spell conveniently ignoring regressive elements they arrive at like, such equally the deductions for nation too local taxes. But does just echoing that political talking betoken amongst equations actually assist us all to the destination of a ameliorate economy?

(To live fair, Larry also complained that the reduction inward rates does non come upward amongst plenty base of operations broadening, thence it increases the deficit -- -meaning time to come taxes, or unspecified spending cuts. This is a valid argument, which I volition accept upward inward the adjacent post.)

News Flash: 

The CEA has just issued a white paper,  "The growth effects of taxation reform too implications for wages" I can't hold off to hear the analysis. Let me guess.. "tax cuts for the rich?" No, certainly that would live likewise predictable.


Pietro Peretto reminds me in that location is an active literature on optimal taxation inward endogenous-growth economies, including his Corporate taxes, growth too welfare inward a Schumpeterian economy , Schumpeterian Growth amongst Productive Public Spending too Distortionary TaxationThe Growth too Welfare Effects of Deficit-Financed Dividend Tax Cuts and Implications of Tax Policy for Innovation too Aggregate Productivity Growth.  Nir Javinovich too Sergio Rebelo receive got a overnice recent "Nonlinear effects of taxation on growth,'' inward the JPE, Nancy Stokey too Sergio receive got "Growth effects of flat-rate taxes" also inward the JPE, too I receive got within data that Republic of Chad Jones is working on it too. So, in that location is no lack of academic literature on the inquiry just which kinds of taxes trim back growth, which of course of written report leads to huge distortions. On the other hand, given the utter distaste of people inward this policy give-and-take to speak almost incentives too growth rather than redistribution at all, the lessons of this literature volition probable receive got to hold off for the adjacent taxation reform. Let us promise it's non some other 31 years.  

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