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Bob Carr In Addition To The Possible Chinese Spies

Last week Four Corners - the premier word plan of the Australian Broadcasting Commission ran a floor about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party inward Australia.

Some of the floor was obvious - for instance how Chinese students are coopted to drown out rallies by Falun Gong or other opponents of the CCP. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 typical floor involves a CCP figure visiting Australia, a bunch of human rights rallies together with hundreds of Chinese students bussed to the rally amongst the intention of overwhelming regime opponents.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Chinese educatee involved inward organising these rallies was interviewed. She made it clear that the diplomatic mission helped. Moreover it was clear in that place was social pressure level (or worse) on students to accommodate - together with that non-conformity had a negative resultant on the household unit of measurement dorsum home.


But the to a greater extent than interesting purpose of the floor was how these precipitous billionaire Chinese human being of affairs (including businessmen who hung out amongst spies) were giving large donations to Australian institutions together with thence getting closed to politicians. (Universities were recipients too equally political parties...)

And that some of these businessmen - liked hanging out amongst politicians (and sometimes paid their legal expenses). And together with so later on having received a practise goodness the said politico expressed views on the South PRC Sea reverse to the Australian Government).

This largess crossed political party lines. Both sides of politicians had ex-politicians on what were some really generous consulting gigs.

One of these businessmen gave coin to the Australian Chinese Relations Institute - an scheme headed by Bob Carr - a quondam Premier of my dwelling solid State (New South Wales) together with a quondam Foreign Minister of Australia.

The implication was that Bob Carr (and his institute) was inward some feel compromised.


I accept e'er liked Bob Carr. He was the New South Wales Environment Minister when I was inward my twenties - together with I thought he was great. I all the same do.

So when invited to attend a speak sponsored yesteryear ACRI I jumped at the chance. Ignoring the park advice that it is non a goodness thought to encounter your heroes (especially if they are politicians) I rocked upwards total of excitement.

Here is the flyer...

When I got in that place I got a fabulously naïve talk virtually how diverse Chinese businessmen making huge waves inward Commonwealth of Australia were independent businessmen together with non inward whatever means arms of the Chinese government. (This includes people who were trying to purchase ports nigh armed forces bases inward Northern Australia.)

The naiveté was amazing. Some of these newly minted billionaires career went roughly equally follows:

a). Follow dad into the Peoples' Liberation Army (where he is a senior general)

b). Retire inward your twenties

c). Start an import/export business. Make a quick fifteen million.

d). Invest that inward a huge terra firma business. Turn that into a quick billion.

e). At the historic catamenia of 35 plough upwards inward some other province together with throw one-half that coin circular buying strategically of import assets.

But these businessmen were inward no means affiliated amongst the CCP.

Whatever: I left thinking I was born on a Mon - but non terminal Monday.

(But I was good satisfied amongst the drinks together with canapés...)


Anyway Bob Carr is inward The Australian (Murdoch's national paper inward Australia) dissing the whole Four Corners story. You tin read his defence. It didn't instruct really nigh how his ain scheme powerfulness or powerfulness non last compromised.

Go on. Read it.

I intend he would last amend leaving things alone.

But equally he hasn't I thought I powerfulness exactly pose the document circulated that nighttime upwards for all to read. Maybe the PRC experts hither tin say me whether this is only naïve (which would last my normal guess) or straight paid for yesteryear the CCP.

Here is the link.

As Bob Carr has chosen Murdoch's network to defend his benefactors perhaps I should exactly destination amongst the most famous News Corp slogan: I report, you lot decide.


Post script:

I should annotation that I am inward no means opposed to Chinese billionaires (even if they are CCP linked) investing their loot inward Australia. In fact I would encourage it - together with tin in all likelihood advise some fine ways of investing it.

I exactly intend a 90 infinitesimal seminar suggesting a string of Chinese billionaires don't accept powerful ties to the CCP is - good quaint at best...

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