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Version 0.4 Of Sfc_Models Released

The sfc_models packet (available at GitHub) is directly inward the "beta" phase, at version 0.4.1 (The start production unloose volition 1.0.) This version involved a fairly hefty code cleanup, together with the programming interface underwent a lot of changes. This was expected, together with which is why previous versions were labelled equally "alpha." Now that the library is inward beta, the objective is to avoid making whatever changes that volition suspension existing code. Even if at that spot is a cleaner way to practice things, the erstwhile interface volition endure supported.

Update Version 0.4.0 was packaged incorrectly; it volition conduct maintain to endure replaced amongst Version 0.4.1. (Oops.) The replacement should endure upward past times v pm EST on 2017-03-06.

I am attaching some of the documentation describing the update, together with the "Road to Version 1.0."

Road To Version 1.0

Another text file "RoadToVersion1.rst" describes the functionality that is aimed to endure incorporated inward Version 1.0 of sfc_models. [Attached below.]
Version 0.4.0 is existence released on 2017-03-06. This version involves a major refactoring of the code, together with has changed behaviour.
  • The framework directly injects a double underscore ('__') instead of a unmarried 1 ('_') betwixt the sector FullCode together with the local variable name. For example, the household fiscal assets are directly 'HH__F' instead of 'HH_F'. Furthermore, the creation of local variables amongst '__' is blocked. This agency that the presence of '__' inward a variable yell agency that it is the total yell of a variable; otherwise it is a local variable. (Or mayhap a global variable similar 't'.)
  • An Equation shape was created. It has replaced the strings held inward the Equations fellow member of the Sector class. It allows us to add together terms to equations, thus that the fiscal assets together with income equations (see below) are ever well-defined. This Equation shape should endure used past times the solver, but it is non even thus incorporated; at that spot is no guarantee that such a modify volition endure done earlier version 1.0 release.
  • A pre-tax income variable ('INC') was created. It is commonly equal to cash inflows minus outflows, but at that spot are some exceptions. (Household consumption, draw concern dividends, etc.) The sectors inward the framework practice their best to variety cash flows equally whether they touching income, but users may involve to practice exceptions (or additions) manually. (Previously, the income was advertizing hoc.)
  • A novel module - sfc_models.sector was created; it pulled the Sector shape out of the models module. The existing was renamed to My erstwhile event code that did "import **" from sfc_models.models no longer works. (?)
There are no major refactorings directly expected to bring house earlier version 1.0 release. As a result, the projection condition volition endure changed to 'beta' inward Version 0.4. Methods that are non expected to endure used past times people who are non creating novel classes volition conduct maintain '_' added inward forepart of their yell (so they disappear from help()), but this is viewed equally acceptable. Otherwise, variables together with methods volition solely endure renamed if they are plainly non next a measure pattern.

Road To Version 1.0


This document outlines what is expected to endure implemented for Version 1.0 of sfc_models. This version is what volition endure described inward the (first edition) of Introduction to SFC Models Using Python (by Brian Romanchuk). It seems probable that the sfc_models will evolve considerably equally it used past times others, but this Version 1.0 volition human activity equally a base of operations implementation that matches the mass documentation.
There volition endure a "book" branch created for the beginning code. In this mass branch, functionality volition endure frozen to tally what is inside the book. User code developed against the code inward this branch volition run across a frozen sfc_models API. The solely developments that mightiness occur may endure an improvement of documentation together with examples. This code may endure released equally versions 1.0.x; e.g., 1.0.3 is the tertiary update on the mass branch.
This document outlines the economical functionality that volition endure added, together with and thus the code functionality. The listing of features to endure added is viewed equally frozen; ideas that may endure useful for the time to come volition endure added to the TODO document, but evolution volition occur inward versions 1.1 together with later.

Economic Functionality

The next models from Monetary Economics (Godley together with Lavoie) are hoped to endure implemented.
  • Model REG from Chapter 6. [DONE]
  • Model REG2 = Model REG with sectors inward ii Country objects.
  • Model OPEN from Chapter 6.
  • Model DIS from Chapter 9.
  • Possibly: Model DISINF from Chapter 9.
  • Possibly: Model INSOUT from Chapter 10.
Furthermore, a SFC model from the literature may endure implemented.
The implementation of these models volition require to a greater extent than piece of employment on international models (Model OPEN) together with prices together with inventories (DISDISINF).

Code Cleanup

The next are the areas of code that volition endure examined.
  • Logging volition endure back-filled throughout the code base. The user should endure able to run across what is happening past times looking at the log. [Started.]
  • An Equation shape may endure added. Previously, equations were merely lists of strings (str). Only express functionality is expected to endure embedded inward Version 1.0; the principal characteristic is ensure that the user operations are safe. [DONE]
  • Methods that are viewed equally "private" volition endure renamed amongst "_" inward their names; they volition non demonstrate upward inward help [Started.]
  • Refactoring to ensure greater consistency of naming together with parameter usage.
  • Allow users to define functions to endure used inside equations. [DONE]
  • Example scripts volition either endure updated or moved to the "deprecated" folder. [DONE]


The principal documentation piece of employment volition revolve around adding medico strings to all methods. Example scripts are expected to furnish to a greater extent than context. Of course, at that spot volition endure a mass available for sale explaining the high marking working of the library.
The mass volition include a technical description of the solver, equally good equally an explanation of the object hierarchy.
Excerpts of the mass volition endure placed on the BondEconomics weblog ( ), together with may endure incorporated inside the documentation base.
Since it is expected that the library volition evolve 1 time others start to utilisation it, placing likewise much high marking documentation inside the library early may endure counter-productive. The mass is aimed to piece of employment against the fixed Version 1.0 of the code base, but the library documentation needs to endure compatible amongst Versions 2.0, etc.

(c) Brian Romanchuk 2017

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