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A Laid Out Pace To Progressive Consumption Taxes

What's an tardily manner to instruct going on progressive income taxes? Simply take away all limits on contributions to in addition to withdrawals from IRAs. (I give cheers my Hoover colleague Michael Bernstam for this clever idea, in addition to the Hoover java room for bumping us into each other.)

Background: Once people come across that a consumption tax, inwards house of income tax, corporate tax, estate tax, etc. is much simpler in addition to to a greater extent than economically efficient, the natural enquiry is "what most progressivity?" The response is that in that place are lots of ways to brand a consumption revenue enhancement progressive.

My favorite (today) is a apartment consumption tax, alongside the same charge per unit of measurement on everything, collected equally a VAT.

Then, realize that progressive taxation is the same affair equally apartment taxation addition redistribution. If I pay 40% revenue enhancement in addition to yous pay 20% tax, that's the same affair equally both of us paying 40% revenue enhancement in addition to yous receiving a banking concern fit from the government. So, I think, separate taxation (raising revenue for the regime at minimum cost), subsidy, in addition to redistribution. Make redistribution coherent, integrate it alongside other programs, in addition to implement it past times sending people checks, on budget.

Most countries try to drib dead far progressive past times charging unlike rates for things that rich people purchase vs. pitiable people. But that is a error equally it distorts the economy. Even rich people tin purchase to a greater extent than tacos in addition to less yachts, in addition to mayhap a pitiable soul wanted to purchase a yacht in addition to showtime a rental business.

An choice implementation is to plough the electrical flow income revenue enhancement organisation into a progressive consumption tax. If yous tin fully deduct savings from income, the "income" revenue enhancement becomes a consumption tax. Alternatively, pay taxes on all "earned" income, but no revenue enhancement on  dividends, interest, or working capital missive of the alphabet gains. That plant out to the same affair -- no revenue enhancement distortion on whether yous swallow the twenty-four hr menstruation yous instruct the income, or after after returns compound.

That approach leads to all sorts of definitional problems, which is why I haven't been a huge fan. (Though I'm non strongly opinionated, recognizing that people who advocate it know a lot to a greater extent than most the revenue enhancement code than I do.)

So, along comes Michael. Why non simply take away all limits on IRAs? Contribute equally many pre-tax dollars equally yous want. Interest, dividends, in addition to working capital missive of the alphabet gains accumulate revenue enhancement free. No minimum distributions, estate taxes, etc. But when yous accept coin out of the IRA, to swallow it (otherwise you'd exit it in!) yous pay income tax.

Yes, it's imperfect. It doesn't solve the Trump effect that what is "income" is an elastic concept inwards the hands of lawyers in addition to lobbyists. But it's a quick in addition to tardily pace that gets us a long manner there.

Our revenue enhancement code course of recognizes that taxing rates of furnish is a bad idea. We revenue enhancement "unearned" income -- but hence in that place is a huge listing of complex exemptions. 401(k), 526(b), IRA, Roth IRA, wellness savings accounts, college savings accounts, pace upward of working capital missive of the alphabet gains at death, like-kind exchanges, in addition to on in addition to on, each alongside complex rules to follow. Just removing all limits on IRAs would live a big pace towards a consumption tax, in addition to hence nosotros wouldn't involve all these other ones either.

Objections? I'm non swell on revenue enhancement law, hence it volition live fun to take heed comments.

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