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Equity-Financed Banking

I gave a utter at the Minneapolis Fed's "Ending Too Big to Fail" symposium, May 16. Agenda together with video of the lawsuit here.

My  talk is based on "towards a run-free fiscal system," together with a fleck on a novel construction for federal debt, together with weblog readers volition notice many recycled ideas. But it incorporates some electrical flow thinking both on centre together with on marketing -- the proposal is so simple, most of the function is on coming together objections.

Here's my talk. This is also available as a pdf here.

Equity-financed banking together with a run-free fiscal system


We receive got to define what “sytstemic” together with “crisis” hateful earlier nosotros tin attempt to gear upwardly them.

My premise is that, at its core, our fiscal crisis was a systemic run. The machinery is familiar from Diamond together with Dybvig, together with especially Gary Gorton’s description of how “information-insensitive” assets of a abrupt lose that belongings together with instruct illiquid.

You reckon a work at a banking concern – a intelligence I volition utilisation loosely to include shadow-banks, overnight debt, together with other intermediaries. You wonder, what close my bank? You don’t really know. The bespeak of short-term debt is that you lot don’t by together with large pay attending to the bank’s assets. But you lot also receive got the correct to convey your coin out at whatsoever time, together with the concluding i out gets the rotten egg. When uncertain, you lot mightiness as good forego a few solid set down points of involvement together with exit now. Everyone does this, together with the banking concern fails.

Runs at specific institutions, caused past times identifiable problems, are non really a danger. My even out includes a specific “contagion,” that troubles at i establishment spread to another, because they drive people to wonder close the other bank’s assets. That “systemic run” chemical constituent agency that banks cant’ easily sell assets to enhance cash, or number novel equity.

This description is of import for what it denies, together with thence for “problems” nosotros don’t receive got to “solve.”

It’s non a chain of dominoes: H5N1 fails, B loses money, B falls, together with so forth, so past times saving H5N1 the whole arrangement is saved.

Contrariwise, fifty-fifty saving H5N1 is non plenty to assure investors that B’s assets are ok. In fact, saving H5N1 mightiness verify investor’s worries close B’s assets, together with laid off a run!

It’s non huge losses on especially unsafe assets. Bank assets are non that risky. Bank liabilities are fragile. Small losses spark large runs.

Our crisis together with recession were non the outcome of specific describe of piece of work concern operations failing. Failure is failure to pay creditors, non a dark hole where at that spot in i lawsuit was a business. Operations move along going inwards bankruptcy. The ATMs did non move dark.

In my premises, the 2000 stock marketplace seat bust was non a crisis, because it was non a run. Yes, at that spot were huge losses. But when stocks plunge, all you lot tin exercise is move home, pour a drink, yell at the dog, together with bemoan your dumb decisions. You can’t demand your coin dorsum from the issuing company, together with you lot can’t drive the fellowship to bankruptcy if it does non pay. Panic selling, fifty-fifty if “irrational,” fifty-fifty if it causes “herding” past times others, fifty-fifty if it drives prices down, is non a crisis, together with it’s non a run, because the issuing fellowship doesn’t receive got to exercise anything close it.

If nosotros desire to halt crises, nosotros receive got to push clitoris when nosotros volition state “good enough” together with halt trying to gear upwardly things inwards the bring upwardly of crisis prevention. My premise: an economic scheme amongst booms together with busts, risks taken, together with losses transparently absorbed past times falling prices, is adept plenty for now.

If nosotros attempt to create a fiscal arrangement inwards which nobody ever loses money, nosotros volition just create a arrangement inwards which nobody ever takes whatsoever risk, together with does non fund whatsoever remotely risky investment opportunity. That is the management nosotros are going. And steps that really affair to fixing crises are getting lost inwards the attempt rush to “fix” every perceived fiscal “problem.”

(A pocket-sized random sample of electrical flow causes beingness commingled amongst crisis prevention, some worthy but separate, some silly: Fannie together with Freddie, the community reinvestment act, “predatory lending,” insufficient downwards payments, FICO scores, Wall Street "greed," executive compensation, credit carte fees, disparate-impact analysis, the concluding names of auto-loan customers, the terms of pupil loans, hedge fund fees, active management together with its fees, “herding” together with “crowding” past times equity portfolio managers (OFR), over-the-counter versus exchange-traded derivatives, swap margins, seat limits, risk-weights, credit ratings, the Volker rule, insider trading, global imbalances, savings gluts, bubbles inwards houses together with stocks, together with the ridiculous tiny type on my credit-card agreement.)

I exercise non hateful that other fiscal regulation is non necessarily bad, or fifty-fifty that i shouldn’t contemplate policies to trim stock marketplace seat volatility. But if nosotros really desire to gear upwardly crises, or destination TBTF, nosotros receive got to separate those other measures into everyday regulation.

A ameliorate solid set down

Given these premises, the fundamental weakness inwards fiscal arrangement is clear: fragile, run-prone liabilities.

The response so is unproblematic too: nosotros should receive got no to a greater extent than large-scale funding of risky or potentially illiquid assets past times run-prone securities – curt term debt inwards particular, but whatsoever hope that is fixed-value, first-come first-served, if unpaid forthwith bankrupts the company, together with inwards volumes that could fifty-fifty remotely trigger such bankruptcy.

(The caveats hither exempt bills, receivables, merchandise credit, together with so on, which are fixed value but non run-prone. “Funding” is the of import qualifier. You tin merchandise inwards curt term debt without funding the volume of investments amongst it.)

Banks together with shadow banks must instruct the coin they utilisation to conduct maintain risky together with potentially illiquid loans together with securities overwhelmingly from run-proof, floating-value assets – mutual equity mostly, some long term debt. (I state “hold” specifically to distinguish it from “originate” or “make” loans, which are so securitized together with sold. )

Once nosotros receive got done this, fiscal crises are over. H5N1 100% equity-financed establishment cannot fail, together with cannot endure a run. Fail agency neglect to pay your debts, together with if you lot receive got no debts you lot cannot fail.

(OK, technically you lot tin convey on such a huge derivatives seat that you lot tin lose to a greater extent than than 100% of equity, but it takes really petty attending from regulators together with analysts to brand sure enough that doesn’t happen.)

Such an establishment needs side past times side to no adventure regulation, beyond the regular transparency nosotros demand of whatsoever world corporation.

Any remaining fixed-value demandable assets must last backed exclusively past times short-term regime debt, or reserves. These are run-proof because at that spot is no uncertainty on the value together with liquidity of the assets (at to the lowest degree for the US, together with away from sovereign debt worries, which I also position off the tabular array for now.)


The major objection is the menstruation of credit. If banks can’t number conventional deposits together with unconventional short-term debt, they won’t receive got coin to lend together with the economic scheme volition dry out up, the objection goes. Others object similarly that without banking concern “transformation” of maturity together with risk, economical increase would last slower.

This perception is false. Not i cent to a greater extent than or less coin needs to last provided, non i iota to a greater extent than adventure needs to last shouldered, non i cent less credit demand last extended. And I retrieve the representative is strong that increase volition last substantially higher than the electrical flow run-prone but highly regulated system. Let’s look.

Structure (1) is a simplified version of today’s “bank.” There are a lot of complex or illiquid assets. The banking concern is besides complicated to move through bankruptcy. It is funded past times really petty equity together with a huge amount of debt. The debt is prone to runs. (“People” hither includes non fiscal describe of piece of work concern together with institutions such as pension funds together with endowments.)

Structure (2) is the simplest equity-financed bank. Banks number only equity. Households conduct maintain that equity, inwards a diversified form, potentially through a mutual fund or ETF.

In this structure, households supply the same amount of money, together with shoulder the same amount of risk, together with the banking concern makes the same amount of loans. But runs together with crises are at nowadays eliminated.

You volition laugh, but I’d similar to convey this construction seriously. With today’s technology, people tin receive got floating-value accounts.

This was non technically possible inwards the 1930s, when our province chose instead the path of deposit insurance together with adventure regulation. But now, you lot could easily move to an ATM, enquire for $20, together with it sells $20 of banking concern shares at the electrical flow marketplace seat value, within milliseconds. “Liquidity” at nowadays is divorced from “fixed-value” together with “runnable.” Even better, you lot could move to the ATM, or swipe your carte or smartphone, together with forthwith sell shares inwards an ETF that holds mortgage-backed securities. This is a “bank,” providing transactions services based on a puddle of mortgages together with shows that coin soundless flows from people to mortgages. But amongst floating value, it is run proof.

Unlevered banking concern equity would receive got 1/10 or less the volatility it has today. So, we’re talking close something similar 2% volatility on an annual basis. Shouldering 2% toll volatility is non difficult for the bulk of depositors (especially dollar-weighted). To debate otherwise, you lot demand some fundamentally non-economic, psychological theory; you lot demand to assert that the same households who are upwardly to their ears inwards debt, conduct maintain 401(k) stock investments, wellness tending copayments, cable together with telephone bills, together with opor-garai inwards Las Vegas, can’t somehow breadbasket 2% volatility inwards their banking concern accounts.

(Wait, you lot ask, the Modigliani-Miller theorem fails for banks, no? The MM theorem for adventure is an identity, non a theorem. Risk is non created, destroyed or transformed, it is just parceled upwardly differently together with people destination upwardly holding all of it i way or some other (even as taxpayers). The contentious component division of the MM theorem is whether the toll of adventure or cost of upper-case missive of the alphabet depends on how you lot piece it. H5N1 pizza sliced 10 ways has the same calories, but mightiness sell for to a greater extent than or less than whole.)

But if you lot want, nosotros tin fifty-fifty move along just the identify assets nosotros receive got today. Consider construction 3. Banks soundless number 100% equity, but that equity is held inwards a mutual fund, ETF, or similar holding company, which inwards plough issues debt together with equity.

The banking concern – complex, total of illiquid assets, Ben Bernanke’s specialized human capital, difficult to resolve – soundless can’t fail. The fund tin fail. But this failure tin last resolved inwards a morning, together with soundless instruct inwards to a 3-martini luncheon together with golf. The fund’s assets are publicly traded banking concern equity together with null else. The bank’s liabilities are mutual equity together with debt. The equity holders instruct zero, the debt holders instruct the banking concern equity. It tin last done past times computer.

The funds exercise receive got debt. But at that spot is petty adventure of a systemic run on the funds, because their assets are supremely liquid, together with visible on a millisecond basis. The failure of i fund demand non inspire a run on the side past times side one.

One mightiness object to construction (2) that the Modigliani Miller theorem fails for banks, so it would imply a higher cost of equity. If so, construction (3), past times giving households just the same assets as they receive got not, must give just the same cost of upper-case missive of the alphabet as at nowadays — minus the value of taxpayer guarantees.

Structure (3) emphasizes that the number is non whether “transformation” must occur, whether people really demand to conduct maintain a lot of fixed-value debt. The number is whether “transformation,” if it is needed, must last tied to bankruptcy together with liquidation of the establishment handling the complex assets. One tin gear upwardly up stories why this must last the representative — corporate finance together with banking theorists are a clever lot — but are such stories remotely understood together with well-tested plenty to justify either our occasional crises, or our massive regulatory response? I retrieve not, but I’ll leave of absence that representative to last made past times our panelists, if they are so inclined.

Structure (3) is a rhetorical point, non a proposal. I exercise non retrieve it is necessary or desirable to just replicate the securities on both ends of the fiscal system. The bespeak is just that eliminating fiscal crises past times moving to equity-financed banking does non require whatsoever novel money, whatsoever less credit, whatsoever less economical increase or whatsoever dissimilar adventure taking. People volition probable conduct dissimilar assets inwards my world, together with thereby improve on it.

Structure (4) elaborates. Not all banking concern assets are complex together with illiquid. Once nosotros take short-term financing, I suspect that securitized debt together with other liquid securities volition motion off banking concern residue sheets. They volition migrate to long-only floating-value mutual funds together with ETFs, together with people volition motion coin out of savings accounts together with banking concern CDs into those really rubber investment vehicles. The banks volition last smaller, holding only those complex together with illiquid risks that can’t easily last securitized.

On the other side, banks at nowadays receive got close $2.3 trillion of reserves, (May v H.4.1) together with $1.2 trillion of demand deposits. Narrow deposit taking is here! We just demand to motion the deposits together with their backing reserves to bankruptcy-remote vehicles (which banks tin soundless operate for a fee, if that makes sense).

How much risk-free assets exercise people really need? We tin supply them upwardly to $14 trillion together with counting amongst narrow deposits backed straight or indirectly (through the Fed) past times Treasury debt.

The Fed’s huge residue canvas is a swell innovation. Better yet, the Treasury should number fixed-value floating charge per unit of measurement debt so nosotros tin all receive got “reserves.” The concluding 8 years receive got taught a revolutionary lesson inwards monetary economics: huge quantities of interest-bearing coin are non inflationary. We tin alive the Friedman optimal quantity of money, together with give notice all the private interest-bearing moneys that cruel apart inwards the crisis. As our ancestors got rid of run-prone banknotes inwards favor of treasury notes, nosotros tin instruct rid of run-prone debt inwards favor of treasury together with fed involvement bearing-electronic money. Let’s exercise it.

How exercise nosotros instruct at that spot

We’ve defined together with express the problem, outlined a ameliorate world, but we’re soundless non ready to write regulations. We should banking concern check for failures together with unintended consequences of electrical flow regulations earlier nosotros move adding novel ones.

Our regime subsidizes debt, inwards numerous ways. Let’s start past times non simultaneously subsidizing something together with also regulating against its use! We tin leave of absence that to unloosen energy policy.

The taxation deductibility of involvement payments is an obvious distortion. It’s non the whole story, as nonfinancial corporations don’t all lever this much, but it’s a component division of it. I’d rather just instruct rid of the whole corporate tax, which eliminates demand for a hundred other taxation distortions. But treating dividends together with involvement equally, or ameliorate yet reversing the handling — deduct dividends, non involvement — would help.

Implicit together with explicit debt guarantees are a bigger component division of the distortion inwards favor of debt. But, piece it’s like shooting fish in a barrel to state “end debt guarantees,” I fright the regime volition ever bail out ex-post, together with that inability to precommit is an of import justification for limiting debt debt. ( V. V. Chari together with Patrick Kehoe receive got elegantly made this case, inwards “A Proposal to Eliminate the Distortions Caused past times Bailouts” Minneapolis Fed Working Paper.)

H5N1 lot of law, regulation together with accounting subsidizes debt as a liability past times privileging it as an asset. Liquidity regulations encourage institutions to conduct maintain really short-term debt, amongst a run alternative to salvage themselves individually inwards times of trouble. Well, that incentivizes someone else to number that debt, together with encourages the fallacy of “sell if things move bad” adventure management. Accounting regulations also care for run-prone short-term debt as rubber as cash.

Using floating-value funds for transactions purposes would trigger short-term upper-case missive of the alphabet gains taxes together with an accounting nightmare. That needs to last fixed if nosotros desire complimentary liquidity.

In sum, throughout the regulatory system, nosotros should care for non-government short-term debt as toxicant inwards the well, both as an property together with as a liability, together with nosotros should take the impediments to the utilisation of liquid floating-value assets. Will this convey some effort? Sure. But just carrying the tens of thousands of pages of regulations over to the Dodd-Frank bonfire volition convey some effort.

Regulatory relief would last a strong carrot together with it is my strongest suggestion. We could say, whatsoever establishment that is financed past times to a greater extent than than (say) 75% equity together with long term debt is exempt from property adventure regulation, systemic designation, banking concern regulation together with so forth; it volition last treated similar a non-financial company. I suspect they would come upwardly running. MetLife’s suit together with other companies’ efforts to downsize suggests that banks really exercise non similar regulation together with volition exercise a lot to rearrange their operations to avoid it.

This proffer reflects a deeper problem: Where is the rubber harbor inwards Dodd-Frank? Where does it state “this is how nosotros desire you lot to laid upwardly a systemically rubber fiscal institution. If you lot exercise this, you’re doing a adept job, together with we’ll leave of absence you lot alone.” Nowhere. Not fifty-fifty an equity ETF, close the most run-proof construction inwards creation, is exempt.

Adding a rubber harbor is an especially attractive way to motion to ameliorate policy. If nosotros demand to repeal Dodd-Frank, we’re scream for a lot. Too many people receive got besides much invested inwards it. If nosotros just add together to Dodd-Frank its missing Definition of “systemic,” together with thence a Definition of “not systemic,” a specification of how an establishment tin last exempt from detailed regulation, they volition run for it, together with the ease tin popular off on the vine.

At concluding a fleck of regulation

Finally, if after removing all the subsidies together with inducements for debt, together with a regulatory rubber harbor, banks are soundless using besides much run-prone financing, ok, nosotros instruct to add together a fleck of stick.

The common approach to boosting upper-case missive of the alphabet combines complex regulation, taking the shape of a boundary on a ratio of complex numbers, amongst extensive discretion together with regulatory remediation. The ratios don’t function for all sorts of reasons. The denominator is the large problem. Simple leverage — debt to assets ratios — is silly. We require equity on holding reserves, together with a stock vs a telephone phone alternative receive got much dissimilar adventure for the same property value. Risk weights violate the fundamental regulation of finance, that a portfolio is less risky than the amount of its parts. Risk weights are deeply distorting investing decisions – loans send large adventure weights, piece securities formed of the same loans send pocket-sized adventure weights. Greek debt is soundless 0 adventure weight.

And what grade of upper-case missive of the alphabet is “safe?”17.437%? 35.272%? Really, the response is “so much that it doesn’t matter,” together with “more is ever better.” Since costs together with benefits exercise non suggest a difficult together with fast number, why regulate i – together with so endlessly debate close it?

We demand something simple, transparent, together with that avoids these pathologies. The best I tin retrieve of is a Pigouvian tax, state v cents for each dollar of short-term debt (less than a year) together with two cents for longer term debt. By taxing the amount of debt, arguments close the denominator vanish. So nosotros don’t receive got to instruct inwards to riskweights, leverage, volume values marketplace seat values, together with so forth.

Everywhere inwards economics, charging a toll is ameliorate than a quantitative limit.

You volition ask, just what is the correct tax? I don’t know. I suspect however, that the benefits of short-term financing are much less than banks claim when they are trying to convince regulators to lower a quantitative limit. If they faced fifty-fifty a quite depression tax, I suspect nosotros would reckon a swift rediscovery of the Modigliani-Miller theorem. In whatsoever case, nosotros don’t receive got to create upwardly one's hear that ahead of time. Adjust the taxation charge per unit of measurement as needed until you lot instruct the upper-case missive of the alphabet you lot want.

As it is sensible to demand to a greater extent than upper-case missive of the alphabet of to a greater extent than “dangerous” firms, so the taxation could rising on some unproblematic measures of danger. I distrust whatsoever accounting measures, so next Chari together with Kehoe’s recent suggestion, the taxation could last a rising business office of the ratio of short-term debt to the marketplace seat – non volume -- value of equity. The marketplace seat value of equity is easily measurable. Let the theatre figure out whether to number to a greater extent than equity, retain to a greater extent than earnings, regain a buyer, restructure debt, pay the taxation for a while, or whatever they desire to do.

Most importantly though, nosotros are non trying to carefully arts and crafts a way for banks to instruct past times on the minimal amount of capital. The bespeak is that upper-case missive of the alphabet is non expensive, socially if non privately. We don’t desire to jigger the absolute minimum amount of the tax, nosotros desire to cause banks to shift overwhelmingly to floating-value run-proof liabilities.

The electrical flow path

This all may seem a fleck radical, so I retrieve it’s worth emphasizing just how broken the electrical flow arrangement is.

Since the 1930s, nosotros receive got tried a fundamentally dissimilar approach to stopping runs together with fiscal crises, emphasizing minimal equity together with lots of debt. When depositors run, really the only way to halt it is for the regime to guarantee debts. But, in i lawsuit people facial expression debt guarantees, banks to convey besides much risk, together with their creditors lend without regard to that risk. So, nosotros tried to substitute regulatory supervision of property adventure for both ends of marketplace seat data processing together with discipline. It’s non enough, nosotros receive got some other crisis, guarantee to a greater extent than debt, together with so on. The petty onetime lady swallowed a fly, a spider to grab the fly, as the vocal goes, together with at nowadays she is trying to digest the horse.

That nosotros are having a conference on “ending besides large to fail” reflects he widespread perception that nosotros receive got non ended this cycle, the “resolution authority” volition non work, together with it volition institutionalize creditor bailouts rather than precommit against them—which mightiness last impossible together with unwise anyway.

Regulation speedily failed its commencement bear witness after the 2008 subprime crisis. Europe’s banking concern regulators, amongst that crisis fresh inwards the raise sentiment mirror, soundless allowed Greek debt at null adventure weights, together with promptly bailed out the French together with High German banks who were over exposed. Will the same regulators artfully prick property bubbles, diagnose imbalances, macro-prudentially enhance upper-case missive of the alphabet standards, promptly resolve nearing failures, together with sternly haircut debt holders… side past times side time?

We are devoting enormous resources together with suffering large economical distortions to regulate the adventure of banking concern assets. But banking concern assets aren’t risky! H5N1 diversified, mostly marketable portfolio of loans together with mortgage backed securities is far safer than the turn a profit flow of whatsoever company.

So why are we, as a society, investing so much inwards regulating some of the safest corporate assets on the planet? Well, because they’re leveraged to the hilt, together with we’re holding the bag. We don’t receive got to.

And property adventure regulation is at nowadays spilling over into efforts to regulate property prices themselves. For example, the OFR proposed to regulate equity property managers, fifty-fifty though they just merchandise equity on customer’s behalf. Why? Because the managers mightiness sell, drive property prices down; together with someone mightiness receive got borrowed coin on those assets that property adventure regulators didn’t notice. The Fed is discussing “macroprudential” policy to allocate credit to target theatre prices, together with raising involvement rates to create out stock prices.

The outcome is an increasingly uncompetitive together with sclerotic fiscal system. We are the fiscal arrangement of null involvement rates where nobody who really needs i tin instruct a loan.

Already, fiscal innovators are springing upwardly unopen to the banking system, inwards peer to peer lending, finance tech, together with so on. These give me hope. Maybe equity-financed banking volition leap upwardly similar weeds unopen to the ruins of the large banks. But those don’t receive got to last ruins.

If it really does cost 25 bp to a greater extent than for a mortgage inwards my world, together with if nosotros really desire to subsidize dwelling theatre mortgages, nosotros tin exercise so past times writing checks to homeowners, on budget, rather than laid upwardly a unsafe together with sclerotic fiscal system.


I got swell comments at the conference from panelists Michael Hasenstab, Michael Keen, Donald Marron, together with Thomas Phillips. H5N1 few points that come upwardly out of the discussion:

100% Equity is non necessary. I focus on this alternative because it is, inwards fact, cleanest, together with I desire to brand the representative that 100% equity is possible together with reasonable. Once you lot receive got that, so 75% equity tin function too. It would last just close bulletproof: the institutions would receive got to last at adventure of losing 75% of its value earlier a run could start.

To emphasize, non all debt or fixed value debt is as dangerous. Your gas neb is a fixed value claim, but the gas fellowship can’t bankrupt you lot tomorrow if they telephone phone together with state “we desire our money” together with you lot don’t pay up.

The transition sounds hard. Issuing gobs of equity sounds costly. But again, facial expression at construction (3). No novel coin is needed. We are just replacing debt amongst equity. In fact, nosotros could exercise it inwards a day. The Bank’s electrical flow liabilities are transferred to the fund, inwards render for newly issued equity. Nobody has to move to the market! That’s non necessary, but I retrieve it makes clear that nosotros don’t demand to a greater extent than coin or a lot of discombobulation. In fact, I retrieve banks would slow redeem debt for equity without much trouble.

Michael, as a managing director of a bond fund, emphasized the necessity of large banks amongst global accomplish to last reliable counterparties together with marketplace seat makers on all sorts of assets. But equity-financing helps them! If equity financed, banks tin last as “big” as anyone wants, without causing risks. We don’t demand to pause upwardly the banks or fright size.

Michael Keen gave a swell introduction to taxation issues. The taxation code is also a bunch of patches applied to cure the consequences of other taxes. He pointed out that the total taxation wedge includes the taxes paid past times the bank, together with the taxes on involvement paid past times investors. My caput hurts, together with I can’t aid but never to the fact that Eliminating corporate together with charge per unit of measurement of render taxes, leaving a unproblematic consumption tax, solves all these problems!

Michael also thought inwards some item close how to brand equity deductible, together with fifty-fifty amongst debt. This has troubled me: allowing a deduction for dividends similar involvement sounds nice, but nosotros desire to encourage banks to move along dividends, which builds capital. He outlined “ACE” rules that allow banks to deduct a “notional cost of equity,” unremarkably a adventure complimentary charge per unit of measurement summation a few percent. I asked later, why non deduct the actual return.

Donald Marron gave quite a few examples inwards which the regime simultaneously taxes together with subsidizes, including carbon, tobacco, together with sugar.

Donald pointed out that it’s non ever best to regulate via a toll rather than a quantity. This is a adept question, but I retrieve run-prone securities are a adept representative for toll regulation. Like pollution, the regulator doesn’t really know what the costs of compliance are, together with at that spot are lots of creative ways for the describe of piece of work concern to rearrange things to trim the pollution.

Donald pointed out that the intelligence “tax” is pollution inwards our politics. Also “tax” rates receive got to last voted past times congress. Agencies tin impose “fees.” Economists empathize “taxes” inwards terms of incentives, politics understands “taxes” as income transfers together with ignores incentives. He’s spot on. Forever more, allow us telephone phone it a “Pigouvian fee” on debt!

Thomas Phillipon questioned whether mutual funds are genuinely run-free. He has a point, at that spot is a pocket-sized incentive to run amongst large losses given the alternative to redeem at NAV. Answer: central tried funds, or an central traded backstop, inwards which you lot tin or must sell your shares to some other investor rather than demand coin from the fund solves the problem. ETFs are really run free!

Thomas also gave a long together with detailed explanation of why leverage ratios or leverage charges don’t work. That’s just why I suggest to taxation debt itself, non a leverage ratio.

In a afterward section, David Skeel pointed out that Lehman when it failed, had 25,000 employees — fewer than the electrical flow compliance staff at citigroup.

I closed amongst a warning: my vision of a monetary arrangement based on short-term regime debt depends on regime solvency. If Hellenic Republic comes to the US, together with banks are deeply involved inwards regime debt, considered adventure free, we’re inwards really deep trouble. Insulating a fiscal arrangement from sovereign debt problems is a separate, together with important, question.

Update: A correspondent sent a thoughtful e-mail advocating floating-value equity-like securities  for many cases on the property side as well. Then, from twitter, "a few to a greater extent than steps together with whole solid set down for sharia compliant financing ie 100% equity both on property together with liability side." I'm non sure enough if that is praise or criticism.

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