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Bush V. Reagan On Immigration

Scott Summner posted this beautiful telephone commutation betwixt Ronald Reagan as well as George Bush Sr. on immigration. Direct link (youtube).

Scott titles the postal service "when the GOP withal had around decency," which I intend he should to a greater extent than accurately field every bit "when the 2 leading GOP presidential candidates withal had around decency." There are many people inward the political party -- inward Congress, governors, field legislators, losing Presidential candidates, inward Republican intend tanks as well as hence forth --with quite sensible ideas on immigration, as well as amongst the form of personal decency Scott notices inward the video, as well as lacking of the presidential candidates today.  There are also many decent as well as sensible Democrats too.

In this era that the battles inside parties are every bit of import every bit those betwixt them, nosotros bespeak maintain to hold upwards out of the habit of tarring whole parties amongst the behaviors as well as attitudes of around people inward them.

Scott also characterizes the ground every bit "Bush stakes out a real liberal set on immigration, as well as and hence Reagan responds from a set fifty-fifty farther to the left.." That's non quite accurate either. While it's accurate that the "left" wants to allow "undocumented immigrants" access to schools as well as services,  they typically produce non desire to opened upwards project markets. Both Bush as well as Reagan explicitly welcomed people to come upwards as well as work. Letting people come upwards as well as non letting them operate is a recipe for disaster. These are straight off libertarian positions, non correct vs. left.

But I'm quibbling. Thanks Scott for a swell video.

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