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The Amazing Zatarra Inquiry Slice On Wirecard

Zatarra Research - a seemingly anonymous outfit I had never heard of - bring reveal an amazing study on Wirecard - a opposite merger High German listed fiscal services fellowship amongst a large marketplace seat cap.

You tin discovery the study here...

Wirecard has long struck me equally suspect - together with I bring maintained a curt for years (yes, literally for years).

I bring tried to verify the assets purchased past times Wirecard that became corporate goodwill together with I could non verify. Indeed I could non fifty-fifty confirm beingness of about businesses they purchased.

Generally I follow the advice of Ronald Reagan: trust simply verify.

In this illustration I could non verify Wirecard's assets simply I bring non verified Zatarra's claims...

So this postal service links an unverified study of a seemingly unverifiable company...

Even afterwards the down-draft today I am showing decent losses on the position. Not all shorts live on out...


(Hat-tip to Dan McCrum who has likewise been sceptical of Wirecard.)

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