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Channel Stuffing Past Times Valeant Inward Europe Confirmed

The original Citron post service which caused Valeant stock to crash alleged that Valeant used a hitherto undisclosed human relationship alongside Philidor to materials the channel.

This was (correctly) denied past times Valeant who noted that they could non purpose specialty pharmacies to materials the channel equally the sale past times a specialty chemist's shop was solely recognised past times Valeant when the terminate client was identified (and the drugs effectively sold to the terminate consumer).

It turns out that specialty chemist's shop (and its attendant issues of ripping off insurance companies) is mutual at Valeant. It extends good beyond Philidor (as I volition demonstrate inwards a futurity post).

In other words it is unlikely the channel is stuffed at all inwards America. But insurance copayment issues are far to a greater extent than widespread than Valeant asserts.

Yet receivable levels at Valeant are fairly high which leaves opened upward the possibility that the channel was stuffed inwards places other than America.

This is directly confirmed.

The Slovene trouble concern press convey done a fabulous chore tracking downwards the stuffed warehouses inwards Slovenia. It is the forepart story on the original Slovene trouble concern website (link) in addition to they convey kindly reproduced the story inwards English linguistic communication (link).

With a few forthcoming speciality finance scandals in addition to confirmed channel stuffing this is getting uglier past times the minute.


PS. Letter to Valeant longs (ie tragics)...

Dear one-time winners,

Valeant owns the big branded analgesic trouble concern inwards Russian Federation (one example). Branded versus unbranded paracetamol/acetaminophen etc.

This sort out of materials is economically sensitive. No-name merely identical products sell on the same shelves at 10% of the toll of the branded stuff.

Did you lot always wonder why the sales of this did non autumn inwards Russian Federation in addition to Eastern Europe given the economical issues there?

That is right - they stuffed the channel.

Keep your spirits up.

It is solely (your clients') money.


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