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Uber For Wellness Assist

The Booth School's Capital Ideas made this actually prissy (well, I intend so) video out of my weblog posts on Uber together with wellness care. Together nosotros condensed the Uber for healthcare posts into a better essay, here, amongst link to the video.

We require render competition, non only people paying their ain money, to acquire innovative together with lower terms wellness care. People paid their ain coin for taxis, but hailing a cab to the airdrome on a rainy friday afternoon was even together with thence no picnic. It took render competition, inward the degree of Uber, to plough over us ameliorate service together with lower costs.

The mergers of wellness insurance companies nether the protections together with regulatory fixed costs of Obamacare are, obviously, a pace inward the incorrect direction. Three big, politically connected, wellness insurers, vi big, politically connected banks, together with yous run across where our economic scheme is going.

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