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William Keegan, spell discussing my NIER article on the U.K. government’s macro record, writes:

After the collapse of output of some 6-7% engendered yesteryear the fiscal crisis, output per capita grew yesteryear “just nether 2%” from 2010 to 2013, whereas inwards 1981-84 too 1992-95 growth was over 8%. Wren-Lewis comments: “In short, the surgical operation of the coalition authorities has been a disaster.” “Disaster” is a potent give-and-take from such a rigorous academic equally Wren-Lewis, but I fully concur alongside him.

I similar the sentiment - which is likely truthful - that rigorous academics mostly refrain from calling things a disaster inwards print. Does that hateful I’m non equally rigorous equally Keegan believes? I sentiment I’d endeavour too justify my departure from this norm alongside some to a greater extent than data. It comes from a newly released dataset set together yesteryear the Bank of England. I’ve used it to calculate gross domestic product per caput over a much longer fourth dimension horizon than I’ve shown before. Here it is.

It is a storey of ii trends: 1 from 1820 to WWI, too some other from the destination of WWII until the fiscal crisis. Now whether this actually is a skillful agency to pull how the economic scheme evolved over the terminal ii centuries I volition move out to others, but it is remarkable how good this elementary sentiment of deviations roughly a constant tendency seems to run for the U.K. economy. To run across this to a greater extent than clearly, hither is 1820 to 1913 alongside the tendency drawn in.

 The tendency growth charge per unit of measurement is only nether 0.9% per annum. Here is the equivalent graph since 1950.

The tendency growth rate, estimated from 1950 to 2010, is to a greater extent than than double that of the 1800s, at nearly 2.25%. Quite when too why the growth charge per unit of measurement increased then much betwixt the ii globe wars is a huge question, but my concern hither is alongside deviations from these trends. Apart maybe from ii booms - the 1870s too the 1970s - large deviations from tendency are brusk lived, alongside correction dorsum towards the tendency occurring pretty quickly.

The large exception, of course, is what has happened since the Great Recession. The departure from tendency only kept on getting bigger, too fifty-fifty alongside a fairly generous approximate for 2014 the best that tin last said is that nosotros mightiness accept started growing at tendency again, then the gap has stopped getting whatever bigger. Even later the slump of 1919-21, gross domestic product growth for the adjacent 4 years was good inwards a higher house trend. What has happened since the fiscal crisis is unprecedented. This below average growth inwards gross domestic product per caput is 1 argue why existent payoff accept been falling steadily over this period, which is likewise unprecedented.

It could of course of didactics last that what nosotros are seeing is business office of an adjustment to a novel lower tendency growth charge per unit of measurement that was going on behind the scenes earlier 2010. That is what the methods used yesteryear the OECD too International Monetary Fund (but non the OBR) assume. However they imply that 2007 was a huge nail inwards the UK, whereas all the other evidence says whatever nail was decidedly modest. It could last that these trends tin all of a precipitous shift later traumatic events. What is abundantly clear is that the terminal few years are no success story, too the constant drum shell inwards macromedia that the economic scheme is doing good is completely inappropriate. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 much ameliorate agency of describing the terminal 4 years is to tell it has been a disaster.

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