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Beware Of Greeks Bearing Bonds

Once again, the tidings is total of opinions that Hellenic Republic mightiness hold upwards forced to exit the Euro. Once again, it makes picayune feel to me. U.S. corporations, municipalities, in addition to fifty-fifty states default, in addition to usage non conduct maintain to exit the dollar zone equally a result.

Most recently, the storey goes, if Greek banks can't operate their Greek regime bonds equally collateral alongside the ECB, the Greek regime volition conduct maintain to exit the euro so it tin impress Drachmas to bail out the banks. There are of course of didactics many ways inwards which this makes picayune feel -- if the depository fiscal establishment has promised Euros, in addition to so a Drachma bailout does non halt a default. The regime would conduct maintain to travel past times a police line "converting" euro deposits to Drachmas. But reckon the storey anyway.

Another mutual storey correct now: If Hellenic Republic were to default, it would conduct maintain a difficult fourth dimension borrowing to fund primary deficits. By leaving, it tin impress upwards Drachmas to pay bills.

OK, here's the obvious solution: Hellenic Republic tin impress upwards small-denomination zero-coupon bearer bonds, essentially IOUs. They order "The Greek regime volition pay the bearer 1 euro on January 1 2016." Hellenic Republic tin whorl them over annually, similar other debt. Mostly, they would be equally electronic volume entries inwards depository fiscal establishment accounts, only Hellenic Republic tin impress upwards physical notes too.

Who volition buy? Most of Greece's spending is transfer payments, to pensioners, wellness care, regime workers, in addition to so on. Hellenic Republic tin pay all of these alongside IOUS. It tin "recapitalize" or lend to banks alongside these.

Sure, they'll merchandise at a discount. Probably a hefty discount.  If Hellenic Republic accepted the IOUs at confront value for taxation payments, however, the discount mightiness non hold upwards that large.  Mostly, the discount would reverberate risks that Hellenic Republic either alter its hear almost accepting its ain debt for taxation payments, or that it would suspend the whorl over, essentially defaulting on this novel course of didactics of debt.

Yes, this proposal amounts to creating a class or dual currency, piece staying on the euro. That is precisely the point. Not solely does a province inwards default non ask to alter currencies, inwards modern fiscal markets, a province doesn't fifty-fifty ask the correct to impress coin inwards gild to, well, impress money! Bonds are coin these days. There's the Drachma conversion, devaluation in addition to inflation so many commenters desire, tin hap (the latter when promises are inevitably broken) all  without leaving the Euro.

I get together California did something similar recently, paying bills alongside transferable IOUS in addition to thence avoiding the prohibition on states printing money. Commenters allow me know if you lot recall the details.

To hold upwards clear, I don't recommend this path! This is a theoretical-possibility spider web log post, non an advice-to-Greece spider web log post. (Advice remains, halt fooling around, massive structural reform tomorrow morning, grow similar crazy, pay off debt.) And yes, it would hold upwards a horrible fate for regime workers in addition to pensioners. However, mayhap amend than the alternative: "leaving the euro" agency having depository fiscal establishment accounts (what's left after the run) transformed to inconvertible drachmas, in addition to beingness paid inwards drachmas, alongside the whole indicate is to inflate away the value of the same regime claims. So promises for euros mightiness hold upwards better. Who knows, mayhap eventually the Germans in addition to the International Monetary Fund mightiness pay these off too.

This industrial plant nicely equally a affair of economics. If readers know what would halt Hellenic Republic from doing it legally, I would hold upwards curious to know. Of course, "the Germans aren't that dumb" is 1 skillful answer, in addition to such debt would count against the debt in addition to deficit limits. But that doesn't genuinely larn at the question. The query is, usage the legal restrictions against Hellenic Republic printing coin in addition to spending it inwards the euro would halt Hellenic Republic from printing upwards "debt" in addition to paying bills direct alongside such debt rather than raising euros on upper-case missive of the alphabet markets?  Opinions?


There are lots of dissimilar ways to marketplace seat the same thing, in addition to skirt pesky laws in addition to international agreements. Another: sell "tax indulgences." For 95c today, you lot tin purchase a transferable coupon that is acceptable for 1 euro of taxation payments adjacent year. This is nicer genuinely equally at that spot is no ask to default or whorl over. The "roll over" happens automatically. Taxpayers cash inwards this year's indulgences, the regime sells adjacent year's.

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