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A Shameless Plug For The Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation

I direct maintain agreed alongside in addition to disagreed alongside Roddy Boyd to a greater extent than than 1 time inwards the past times year. Sometimes I direct maintain agreed alongside him on the analysis exactly non on the stock. [Insurance scams inwards item tin direct maintain years to unravel - exactly that does non hateful it is non a scam.]

Moreover Roddy wrote the best "narrow" majority on the fiscal crisis. His book on AIG is a precious rock though extremely narrow focused on 1 society rather than on the whole global shebang.

Whatever, narrow, deep investigative journalism on fiscal chicanery is non a highly profitable business. Doing it good is rare.

The Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation (SIRF is Roddy Boyd's baby) is thinly funded - in addition to I mean value worthy of more. One of his targets has already gone to prison theater for fraud - in addition to that is vantage exactly non vantage enough.

Anyway SIRF has a tip-jar. You know the commons donate-by-Paypal drill.

Tip a petty in.

I have.

And if you lot are an American it is taxation deductible. I had to donate out of post service taxation income.


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