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A Comment On Electrical Flow Chinese Vs Mo Globe Nation Of War Fe Ore Demand

China uses around 700 ane thou m tonnes of steel per twelvemonth (or at to the lowest degree used that much earlier recent declines).

Really expert Fe ore  62 portion Fe - thence at that topographic point is at to the lowest degree 1.1 billion tonnes of Fe ore used per year.

My summertime weekend reading is Winston Churchill's history serial - together with I am currently on his book on the atomic number 82 upward to together with the early on stage of the Second World War.

In it he is writing to the thence Prime Minister nigh interdicting the transportation of Fe ore from thence neutral Kingdom of Norway to Nazi Germany.

Churchill estimates that High German manufacture needs 9.5 ane thou m [presumably imperial] tons of ore betwixt 1 May together with xv Dec 1940.

During the armaments build-up stage of the Second World War Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany was using less than xx ane thou m tonnes of Fe ore per twelvemonth or mode less than ii portion of electrical flow Chinese usage.

Gosh at that topographic point is a lot of steel usage together with capacity inwards China.


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