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Follow Upwardly To The Pershing Foursquare Insider Trading Post

There was 1 major mistake inward the Pershing Square shipping - which is I suggested that an analyst at PS was charged. No such number happened.

The analyst was non charged. It was the room mate every mo tipper as well as a friend every mo tipee.

Whatever. Bill Ackman's presentation was every mo far every mo I know sourced exclusively from populace information. It is inward my persuasion incorrect - exactly that is beside the point.

All the room mate knew is that Bill Ackman was going to publicize populace data as well as his analysis of it.

It is a stretch of insider trading rules to deem every mo insider trading the hereafter publication of already populace information.

It is a stretch that I would rather convey seen challenged inward court. My catch remains: SEC over-reach.


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