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Valeant Pharmaceuticals Run Vi: A Rootage Interrogation On Corporate Jets

A uncomplicated question. Is whatever business office of the 4 (?) corporate jets always seat into the one-off handbasket similar royalties (which were continuing) for Galderma?

For reference - time to come post coming - this is the largest corporate jet. It is basically the fastest, longest hit as well as most expensive corporate jet on the market. It is a Gulfstream 650...

PS: There were denials (plausible) of many of my assertions inwards the conference call. However they merely admitted the slice almost the royalty paid to Galderma. They accrued a liability for ROYALTIES on Galderma as well as wrote that royalty off against electrical current net thence raising the "cash EPS" during that period.

Given they are selling the production they are going to contrary the residual of that liability through the buy price. [Simply they volition non have the whole buy cost inwards cash - to a greater extent than or less of it volition last cancelling a liability they convey accrued.]


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