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Corresponding on the "Run Free Financial System," François Velde at the Chicago Fed sends me an interesting paper, "Early Public Banks" with William Roberds.  François as well as William document nicely only how long banking company runs lead hold been going on, only how long we've been struggling with money-like banking company liabilities, as well as only how long narrow-banking proposals lead hold been around.

The focus of the newspaper is on "Public banks," predecessors of primal banks.

Abstract: Public banks were created to "create a liquid as well as reliable monetary asset," but "even well-run banks could larn unstable over fourth dimension equally their success made them susceptible to financial exploitation." "A prominent exception was the Bank of England, whose expert management of a fiscally backed coin provided a foundation for the evolution of primal banks equally they be today." I intend nosotros lead hold almost a G years of sense good distilled inward those few sentences.

Runs decease dorsum a long way. Here is a lovely description (p. 16):
When advocating the creation of a populace banking company inward 1584, Tommaso Contarini... emphasized the inherent fragility of the banking trouble concern (Lattes 1869, 124):
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 suspicion born, a vocalism heard, that at that spot is no cash or that the banker has suffered roughly loss, a someone seen at that fourth dimension withdrawing money, is plenty to incite everyone to lead hold his money and the bank, unable to run across the demand, is condemned to fail. The failure of a debtor, a disaster inward roughly venture, the fearfulness of state of war is plenty to destroy this enterprise, because all creditors, fearing the loss of their money, volition desire to insure themselves yesteryear withdrawing it as well as volition convey almost its consummate destruction. It is also difficult, indeed impossible that inward the infinite of a few years 1 of these events fails to occur that convey almost the ruin of the bank. 
Bank-created coin goes dorsum a long way:
That banks did non keep 100% reserves is apparent from a police push clit of 1322; indeed, it appears that yesteryear as well as therefore the chief elements of the payments organization were inward place: payment inward banking company coin (that is, yesteryear transfer on the books of a bank) was considered lastly payment, that bankers kept fractional reserves, as well as that they kept accounts with each other.
 1322.  Bank regulation goes dorsum a long way:
The [1322] police push clit also indicates that legislators felt the take away to intervene, since it required bankers to redeem deposits on need inside iii days, as well as inward cash rather than with claims on other bankers (Mueller 1997, 16).  This was but 1 of many legislative attempts to remedy the fragility of banks, which to a greater extent than oftentimes relied either on roughly primitive shape of majuscule requirements or else restricted allowable activities.
If yous volition recall, the primal innovations of the Dodd-Frank human activeness are.. to impose majuscule requirements as well as to restrain allowable activities.
Venice did non lead hold express liability equally Siena as well as Florence did, therefore a banker’s patrimony provided safety inward improver to the bond...
Clawbacks, skin-in-the-game rules, as well as therefore on decease dorsum a long way.
The outset proposal for a populace banking company was made inward 1356, next the failure of a major banking company as well as a resulting liquidity compaction marked yesteryear high involvement rates (Mueller 1997, 112,142). The Senator Giovanni Delfin proposed that a banking company live laid upward with existing individual banks, headed yesteryear iii noblemen appointed yesteryear the city. It would live prohibited from lending or investing coin as well as paying interest: its sole component subdivision was to have deposits for the occupation of making payments yesteryear transfer. 
Narrow banking proposals decease dorsum a long way. In the 21st century, nosotros permit noblewomen also to run our primal banks. Progress.

François chides me gently, that if banking company debt as well as banking company runs lead hold been with us for nearly a G years, as well as if narrow banking based on authorities debt has non succeeded inward all that time, sure enough at that spot must live a reason. I gave ii answers, expanding a fleck on the arguments inward "run-free." First, technology scientific discipline has actually changed. We don't take away fixed-value claims for transactions or liquidity. Electronic transactions, index funds, minute communications brand a difference. Second, non all that is, is good. The Venetians also poured sewage into the lagoon for centuries. Short term runnable debt actually is an externality, therefore its existence is non proof of its optimality.

But I appreciate François' insistence on this point. There is merit inward the Chicago philosophy: if yous view something durable that yous don't understand, operate harder to figure out why it lasts therefore long. It's the opposite of the Cambridge philosophy: if yous view something durable that yous don't understand, larn on a airplane to Washington as well as enjoin them to top a police push clit making the earth inward to the agency yous intend it should be. (I occupation "Chicago" as well as "Cambridge" only equally humorous ways to depict a philosophy, equally plenty of interventionists alive here, as well as at that spot is lots of humility there.) Somewhere inward the catch is the optimum.

Blog readers who don't know François, lead hold the aftenoon off as well as read "Macroeconomic Features of the French Revolution" with Tom Sargent. All of modern monetary as well as macroeconomics unfolds, pretty good understood yesteryear the actors of the time.  Proceed to a Chronicle of a Deflation Unforetold. 18th century French Republic had a fascinating dual currency system, with a unit of measurement of trouble concern human relationship "Livres" divide from the medium of central "ecus." Find out what happens when the central charge per unit of measurement changes. Proceed to The Big Problem of Small Change also with Tom. It reads equally a thousand-year regain of MV=PY, though I read it equally a thousand-year regain of the financial theory of the cost level. I've been plotting weblog posts on all iii at roughly point. (And plenty more, but that's a goodness start.)

In whatsoever case, yous volition live humbled yesteryear how good our ancestors understood monetary issues, as well as how hard they struggled with the same issues nosotros do. (And, similar me, you'll wishing yous could write papers similar these.) It makes yous wonder if we're actually making progress. In the destination I intend that existence able to write downward the equations as well as quantify the results of erstwhile ideas actually is progress afterward all. Diamond as well as Dybvig actually are improve than Contarini, no affair how poetic the latter, inward component subdivision because it's much harder to come upward up with opposite equations than it is to come upward up with fifty-fifty to a greater extent than poetic prose that describes fallacies. But most economists don't appreciate that these issues decease dorsum quite therefore far, or that our forebears understood things equally good equally they did.

PS:  François sent along the original of the inward a higher house quote in 16th century Venetian (see bottom of p. 124 on the link) which immature human being italophiles volition appreciate for its poetry. It also raises my appreciation for the form of master source stuff François plods through to regain these gems.
Un suspetto che nasca, una voce, che si senta, che non vi sia danaro, ò che il banchier habba patido qualche perdita; una persona, che si veda inward tal occasion à estraher contadi, è bastante à eccitar tutti, che vadano à cavar i suoi danari; à che non potendo supplir inward banco, è astretto à ruinar senza remedio. Un fallimento di qualche suo debitor, un sinistro di qualche suo negotio, il timor di una guerra, è causa potente à destrugger questa fabrica ; poiche tutti i cerditori insuspettidi di non perder il suo danaro, per assicurarsene vanno à estraherlo, e gli apportano la full iattura.
Più cambia, più è la stessa cosa.

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