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Michelle Celarier Is Sitting On A Major Story

I wrote 2 posts yesterday (today Australian fourth dimension actually).

I demonstrated that at that topographic point were multiple versions of the letters that Senator Markey wrote concerning Herbalife.

The version on Bill Ackman's website has an before appointment than the i on Senator Markey's website. Moreover the i on Bill Ackman's website had been produced amongst a scanner.

The New York Post website carries the Ackman-website versions. Michelle Celarier claims that she got those versions from Senator Markey's website.

At showtime glance this looks problematic. The metadata on the New York Post versions includes the following: "Author:".

It is hence apparently that the letters were produced yesteryear Pershing Square.

However, fifty-fifty afterward my postal service Michelle Celarier believes she got the letters from Senator Markey's website:

I encounter no argue to disbelieve her.

However if she tin essay out this she is sitting on a pretty skillful story. Bill Ackman, billionaire hedge fund manager, gets to create letters for Ed Markey's signature together with gets them position on Ed Markey's website without alteration.

I hold off forrad to reading that storey inward the New York Post.


Michelle Celarier has issued an update on her Twitter stream. She at i time acknowledges that she received the missive of the alphabet from Pershing Square.

As the letters were clearly marketplace sensitive at that topographic point is i exceptional that is yet missing - the appointment at which the letters were received yesteryear The Post. The letters on the New York Post website are dated the twenty-four hours before Senator Markey released his letter.

Here is Michelle Celarier's update. I give thank y'all her for beingness together with then opened upwards amongst us.


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