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Williamson On The Economic Science Blogosphere

Steve Williamson has an insightful ready of posts, Minneapolis Redux, in addition to Journalists Looking for a Fight. They are tangentially on the Minneapolis Fed affair, simply actually nearly the coverage of the thing in addition to deeply thoughtful nearly how the economic science blogosphere is evolving.
Reporters at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, in addition to other outlets were fair, I think. They talked to the people involved, in addition to covered the even out the fashion practiced reporters should. What went on inwards the economic science blogosphere I intend is revealing of what this medium tin in addition to cannot do. In many cases, bloggers dived into the even out in addition to did what they produce best. They made materials up, or repeated things that convey croak "blog truths" - basically fiction that, when repeated oft enough, somehow becomes truthy. 
So, this runs from the outrageous to the comical, roofing all points inwards between....
His ain posts hither ready a high measure for looking up, checking, in addition to linking to the things he's talking about. Hopefully the marketplace examination volition possess us all to improve blogging.

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