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Theme: Personal Finance

This post service is a listing of links to articles I accept written which hash out personal finance. I would non consider this a personal finance blog, rather I accept a few points that I promise may hold out useful. (This article volition hold out expanded over time.)

Basic Philosophy

I volition non hand investment advice equally that would hold out inappropriate (and in all probability inwards contravention of securities regulations). Instead, I promise to heighten points that volition let my readers to brand ameliorate decisions.

There are 2 basic ways of approaching personal finance: do-it-yourself, or engage professional person advice. Both approaches accept advantages equally good equally of import disadvantages. The work alongside professional person advice is that y'all withal need to empathize the risks yourself, in addition to the conflicts of involvement your advisor may face. Conversely, your personal finance decisions are extremely of import for your long-term interests. If y'all brand a serious mistake equally a final result of non agreement the consequences of a decision, in addition to this mistake is non caught early on enough, y'all may accept a difficult fourth dimension recovering.

As a result, approximately degree of hybrid approach seems sensible; y'all need to empathize the basics yourself, only y'all should hash out your excogitation alongside a professional person to become approximately feedback.

Other Sources Of Information

It's Not What You Earn, It's What You Save

If y'all are withal working, in addition to equally long equally y'all avoid disastrous portfolio decisions, the almost of import theme for personal finance is how much coin y'all relieve out of your income. And inwards guild to increase savings, y'all need to cutting dorsum spending. However, I experience that articles on how to cutting dorsum identify expenses are equally good far afield for this blog, in addition to and thus I volition non comprehend this topic. However, the sources I link to inwards my external resources listing covers this theme much ameliorate than I could.

I hash out this farther inwards my review of the mass The Millionaire Next Door

Personal Portfolio Management

Here are a listing of my articles that hash out portfolio administration concepts. (The listing volition expand over time.) Some of these points may hold out applicable for long-term institutional investors, alongside approximately modify of terminology.

(c) Brian Romanchuk 2013

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