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Sargent Online

Tom Sargent together with John Stachurski give-up the ghost online with a fascinating spider web based class inwards quantitative economical modeling.

Two thoughts.  The didactics basis is going online, but we're all inwards version 1.0 at best. Tom together with John's website is an interestingly dissimilar image than the online courses such every bit the Coursera platform that I'm using for an online property pricing course.  I'll live curious to meet which elements of which image survive. Or mayhap the Toms' webiste volition give-up the ghost the "textbook" for Coursera type courses, which tin move together with so add together videos, forums, a structured environs for plowing through the material, and  the carrot of certification at the end.

The website is only gorgeous. Producing economical (and scientific) articles for viewing online has so far been a headache. Our journals attain beautiful pdf representations of.. printed pages. They mightiness besides present 3-d images of a papyrus scroll. Math together with tables inwards html every bit presented on near magazine websites is only pathetically ugly. As I looked through this website, I'm enthused that 1) I need to acquire python together with 2) I need to acquire to write my papers together with textbooks inwards this gorgeous format.

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