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The Bad Guys Won I This Time...

Jeff Matthews has a funny weblog ship service most how individual bought telephone telephone options over 760 K shares of Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE:BAH). The nail cost for these options was $20.

This is an enormous merchandise - over 7 times the opened upwardly involvement inward all options of all stripes for BAH.

The side past times side twenty-four threescore minutes menses comes a headline:
Accenture inward Talks to Buy Booz & Co.  An Acquisition Would Beef Up Strategy as well as Operations Consulting
As Jeff Matthews tartly notes Booz & Co is non the same fellowship equally Booz Allen Hamilton - they separated years ago.

And as well as then our want-to-be insider trader has blown his dough - 760 K times 85c worth - or a niggling over 650 grand if you lot include brokerage. This was a costly error, but less costly than the criminal lawsuit as well as almost sure enough conviction for insider trading if our imbecilic crook had been right. I hateful he didn't intend he could get away amongst that did he?

As luck would endure Booze Allen Hamilton "crushed" earnings estimates. Here is the stock chart:

And as well as then our asinine aspiring insider trader has made quite a decent net income proving i time once to a greater extent than that it is meliorate to endure lucky than adept on Wall Street.

Notch i for the bad guys.

In my darker moments I imagine at that spot is plenty within data only about that individual knew most both the Booz & Co takeover as well as the Booz Allen Hamilton earnings shell as well as were Machiavellian plenty to know they could merchandise this data aggressively as well as non larn pinged for insider trading. But that couldn't maybe endure true... could it?


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