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Self Assessment Tuesday: Alan Jones As Well As Facebook... #Fail

A acre agone I wrote nearly Alan Jones - a right-wing radio shock-jock inwards Commonwealth of Australia amongst a good organized Facebook stimulate against him.

I did non mean value Jones could live on the onset - novel media I idea won.

I bet my concern partner $50 that Jones would live chased off air.

I lost - together with $50 duly traded hands although I took until today to pay him.

My religious belief inwards the ability of Facebook to modify the footing is reduced. Not together with thence groovy on FB stock either whatever to a greater extent than - I detect myself using FB less together with less...

Worse: my 13 twelvemonth sometime boy is non nagging me to permit him a Facebook page.


PS. We made a modest lucre on Facebook stock generally via selling pose options which eventually delivered to us at an average toll inwards the depression 20s. We sold a few calls (and much was called away from us) inwards the mid to high 20s. I regard this luck. I used to mean value that FB was a "no brainer" inwards the depression 20s. Not together with thence certain whatever more.

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