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Celebrating The Impending Nascence Of The Hereafter Rex Or Queen Of Australia

Today I woke to the joyous word that the Duke together with Duchess of Cambridge are expecting a baby.

The offspring volition (possibly depending on gender) live on the hereafter Head of State of Australia.

Elizabeth R currently fulfils that role.

For my non-Australian readers - who are probable unfamiliar amongst Australian constitutional arrangements I should Federal Reserve annotation that Commonwealth of Australia is - similar Great United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland - a monarchy - together with nosotros accept the Queen's handsome profile on our coins.

Her Majesty the Queen's full championship inwards Australia is "Elizabeth the Second, past times the Grace of God Queen of Commonwealth of Australia together with Her other Realms together with Territories, Head of the Commonwealth".

Similar constitutional arrangements employ inwards other old colonies of the British Empire including our virtually neighbor Papua New Guinea. There Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is known inwards the pidgin linguistic communication of Tok Pisin equally 'Missis Kwin', together with equally 'Mama belong big family'.

My joy at the nativity of our hereafter monarch volition (naturally enough) live on repeated throughout the world. In Papua for instance the babe volition farther better Elizabeth's claim to the championship "Mama belong big family".

And that is indeed skillful news.

God Save the Queen, Queen of Australia

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