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Witnessing An Assault

Not an investing postal service at all. Just using the ability of a spider web log amongst a lot of readers to ensure something gets done together with to brand a tape of what I get got seen.

I was riding my (electric) wheel domicile from the purpose at 1am. (Yes I worked late.)

I passed a local pub where 3 safety guys were harassing/holding - thence punching a immature male. I rode thence that I was on the other side of the route from them together with shouted for them to larn out him alone. One of them kicked him inwards the caput piece he was lying on the ground.

Another of the 3 started shouting at me telling me to become away - non straight threatening me - only shouting at me to "get lost" at the elevation of his voice. My presence I felt stopped them from continuing to boot the victim inwards the head. He did non similar the presence of a witness.

I walked away amongst the victim - to the local police describe station - where I reported the assault. The police describe took my nurture together with yell upwards reveal only did non experience they needed to accept a statement.

At a gauge I would intend taking a arguing from a witness to a criminal offense equally roughly the fourth dimension of the criminal offense is goodness policing practice. However my local police describe station did non experience that was necessary. (This postal service is existence made equally a world arguing to rectify that oversight.)

If people amongst to a greater extent than expertise than me tin produce amount me inwards on appropriate policing usage I would appreciate it.

Alas I intend non much volition hold upwards done until the said safety guards boot someone inwards the caput together with he dies.


PS. I get got no see what victim was doing earlier he was held together with punched. I did non encounter that. The victim was an Irish Gaelic virile somebody (strong accent) who said it was his 21st birthday. He was drunk.

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