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Changing My Heed On Microsoft

Seldom receive got I looked at something that is a major long inwards the portfolio, changed my mind, sold the entire topographic point as well as continued selling to travel brusk (albeit inwards a modest way).

I but did that on Microsoft. The immediate trigger was Windows 8 - but the thinking has been longer as well as harder than that.

This postal service is to run through my thinking - as well as perhaps generate some comment. (Smart readers - as well as y'all are smart readers - are a groovy testing-board for my theories...)

Quick background to the Microsoft story

The background to Microsoft is good known. In the tardily 1990s Windows developed huge marketplace power. Whilst non strictly a monopoly the fellowship had enough of monopoly characteristics. Sure y'all could purchase a Macintosh - but that marketplace was so modest that people did non develop software for Macs as well as thence Macs were for people who did non demand a broad arrive at of software. You could also charge a estimator amongst Linux (although despite existence a sometime-geek I could non imagine doing except for a server). In those days Microsoft fifty-fifty dominated the server market.

This was - for all effective purposes - a growing global monopoly amongst really depression marginal costs producing for what was fast becoming 1 of the most of import industries inwards the earth (personal computers).

Moreover it had huge pricing power. I purchased a estimator from Gateway (remember them) as well as spent most $1200. The $50 operating organisation was embedded - a modest cost embedded inwards a large cost. I assure y'all Microsoft made to a greater extent than from the transaction than Gateway. Gateway fifty-fifty ran a shop to sell me that beige box - the shop ultimately existence run for the create goodness of Microsoft.

The fellowship had a virtuous circle. People developed software to run on Microsoft using Microsoft developer tools. They did non bother developing for other platforms because those platforms were economically irrelevant as well as the Microsoft developer tools worked. Because all the software y'all mightiness desire to occupation ran on Windows y'all were effectively compelled to run a Windows auto thus perpetuating the cycle.

Microsoft used its powerfulness for ameliorate as well as for worse. My personal gripe was how poorly Microsoft thought most as well as handled safety issues. My Linux computer is as far equally I know virus free. Apple only had to remove their virus-immune claims recently. Windows safety issues are everywhere as well as it did non demand to last so. The offset estimator virus I always saw was inwards 1989 as well as it was on a Mac - these problems - if non exclusively soluble - were controllable. Microsoft did non command them. Whether this was arrogance or incompetence or monopolistic-disinterest I create non know though I receive got heard arguments for all 3 propositions.

Still Microsoft gave us acceptable if non vivid production as well as I never quite bought the "evil-empire" line. In my persuasion they were a large, increasingly fat, slightly disinterested monopolist that had stopped thinking clearly most users.

Developers: the telephone substitution to the Microsoft virtuous circle

The telephone substitution to Microsoft's marketplace powerfulness was the virtuous circle whereby people used Microsoft computers because software was developed for Microsoft as well as people developed software for Microsoft because people used Microsoft computers.

Making all this piece of work required that Microsoft brand available slow to occupation "developer tools". H5N1 large developer tools line concern would include tools for software evolution as well as preparation tools to prepare hereafter developers. If the developer tool line concern ran at (say) a billion dollars inwards loss that was perfectly acceptable so long equally to a greater extent than as well as to a greater extent than software was developed to last Microsoft platform specific.* Indeed the developer tools line concern never played much of a role inwards the sector-breakup of Microsoft - but that did non diminish its importance.

If y'all are non convinced that developers are the telephone substitution to Microsoft's lock-in await at this classic video of Steve Balmer:

Balmer is sufficiently worked upwardly that the wags captioned this video amongst the text deodorant, deodorant, deodorant. However the extent to which he is worked upwardly tells the Microsoft crowd what they should last focussed on.

The rising of platform-agnostic developer tools

The Microsoft virtuous circle is instantly dead. Two related things killed it: the rising of platform agnostic developer tools as well as the rising of option operating systems (Linux for servers, iOS as well as the "Big Cat" serial for Apple, Android).

To my way of thinking the platform-agnostic developer tools came offset - though this is a chicken-and-egg problem. The offset actually of import platform-agnostic tool was Java. Programs written inwards Java run on Linux computers exactly the same way equally they run on Apple computers or Microsoft computers. If y'all developed something on Java y'all could run it anywhere as well as y'all thus undermined the Microsoft virtuous circle.

Developing things for Java became widespread when people downloaded programs (applets really) from the internet. The individual writing the applet had no thought what the client estimator set-up was as well as so had to write inwards a platform-agnostic fashion. Interactive Brokers for instance writes its software to run on Java - as well as they create this because it is a complex slice of software that has to run on many unlike flavours of client computer.

Over fourth dimension Python developed equally an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than of import platform agnostic developer tool.

Nowadays nobody nether 30 writes anything on Microsoft developer tools unless they are demented or brain-dead. Firstly the kids out of the colleges know the platform agnostic materials well. Secondly when one-half the computers leaving factories either run iOS or Android (that is are smart-phones) nobody sensible volition write inwards a way that does non allow slow porting to these platforms.

Microsoft's developer tools line concern as well as the client lock it created has had a bullet through the brain. The torso is lying on the flooring - as well as most the users who receive got never developed anything as well as did non know that at that topographic point fifty-fifty was a developers tool line concern receive got non noticed the blood-soaked victim.

The lock that Steve Balmer worked himself into a frenzied sweat over is dead.

The lock is dead: long alive the lock

An asset administration theatre I know good has 100 M or so customers. The client relations organisation for the theatre is proprietary. They developed it themselves as well as it integrates amongst their line concern practice.

And it runs on Microsoft. It was developed past times people who are instantly over 35 - as well as thence used Microsoft developer tools.

This theatre is very progressive with their computing structure. All internal estimator instantly run equally virtual machines (not desktops) running on 2 mondo-powerful Linux servers. The virtualization platform is Citrix. Nobody has a functional box nether their desk whatsoever more.

However on arrive at of this enterprise cloud is 65 virtual Microsoft machines all running Windows. The fellowship has got rid of the desktop computers exclusively (sorry Dell as well as HP), it has a hugely powerful internal network organisation (currently provided past times Cisco but inwards the hereafter provided probably provided past times Nicira). Disaster recovery is a mirror of the 2 mondo-powerful servers 100km away.

In other words this is the enterprise computing platform of the future.

But they all the same occupation Microsoft equally if they had the computing platform of 1999.


Because they used the developer tools of 1999 to construct mission-critical enterprise software.

Nobody is locking novel materials upwardly inwards Microsoft but at that topographic point is huge amounts of intellectual uppercase built upwardly inwards Microsoft's old platform as well as that intellectual uppercase continues to forcefulness people to occupation Microsoft. Some of this belongings is little (I know to unopen downward the estimator I travel to the "start" button). But things similar the front end halt for a client relations organisation for a largish fiscal theatre - that is non-trivial as well as it is really sticky.

Why I owned Microsoft

When I purchased Microsoft I was good aware of the decease of the lock (developer tools). I knew the hereafter for Microsoft would non (unless they were really lucky as well as good managed) last anything similar equally glorious equally the past times - but at that topographic point were 2 actually decent trends inwards favour of Microsoft.

Firstly equally enterprises moved their computing platforms to enterprise clouds the Microsoft computers - rented equally virtual computers - would last pervasive. Microsoft was going to last able to accuse rents for a long time. People would upgrade their estimator (meaning the physical hardware running linux as well as Citrix or VMWare on arrive at of that) but they would all the same pay rent to Microsoft.

Moreover these Microsoft dead-enders - locked inwards past times the enterprise software that they wrote a long fourth dimension agone - are really sticky. It is expensive to redevelop proprietary systems - as well as so they were probable to occupation Microsoft for decades. The pricing would last to lease seats to virtual computers as well as those lease fees could last high as well as increasing.

Second, at that topographic point was 1 beautiful tailwind for Microsoft which has alas disappeared. In 1999 if y'all purchased a estimator it was in all likelihood a beige box. (Laptops were prohibitively expensive as well as underpowered.) If y'all purchased a estimator inwards Bharat it was a beige box it came loaded amongst a hot (ie pirated) version of Microsoft.

By 2007 if y'all purchased a estimator it was probable a laptop. Boxes receive got acquire objects for gaming enthusiasts, developers as well as dinosaurs (I state this equally the proud possessor of a span of boxes). The computing powerfulness y'all demand tin (mostly) last position inwards a smaller packet at a reasonable cost. It is almost impossible to purchase a laptop which is non pre-loaded amongst an authentic version of Microsoft. That was truthful inwards Bharat too. I create non fifty-fifty occupation Microsoft but if I purchase a Lenovo estimator inwards Commonwealth of Australia on their website I am forced to include a re-create of Windows. The tailwind de-jour was the rising of computing inwards developing countries as well as most importantly the shift to laptops reducing piracy to almost zero. This was profoundly overnice to Microsoft - but equally a tendency it is dead. The novel generation of computers is going to last pads - they may receive got plug inwards keyboards - but they are pads. Even laptop sales are problematic.

Moreover laptop prices are falling as well as falling. Five hundred dollars instantly buys quite a overnice laptop. The laptop I occupation day-to-day is non worth much to a greater extent than than that (except for add-ons similar a large company state hard drive). Microsoft 1 time buried $50-80 of software inwards a $2000 estimator as well as that made their (fat as well as profitable) choose disappear. It is much harder to bury $50 of software inwards a $300 estimator - but that is where nosotros are going.

But inwards essence nosotros had 2 trends: pricing powerfulness on dinosaur enterprise computing driven past times the old client lock (previously developed enterprise software). That pricing powerfulness would stay as well as plow into rental contracts equally computers disappeared into enterprise clouds. And nosotros had developed earth laptops (a tendency that is instantly turned quite sour).

A Vision of Windows 8

I had a vision of Windows 8 which addressed all of this - as well as I uncertainty that it was a vision that was really far from Microsoft's ain vision.

Windows 8 was to serve a dual purpose. It was to last to a higher house all a pad operating organisation - 1 that doubled equally a desktop operating system. You were going to last presented amongst bunch of tiles - the functional equivalent of Apple's app icons. If y'all used it equally a pad it would receive got the express functionality of a pad.

However y'all could choose the pad, position it on a docking stand upwardly as well as occupation it amongst a keyboard as well as mouse equally a desktop computer. This solves a lot of problems.

(a) it offers a distinct improvement over existing pads which are not really proficient for content creation. I cannot encounter myself editing a video on a pad or writing a weblog postal service this long. But howdy - I could amongst a plug-in-keyboard as well as mouse,

(b) it offers enterprises a take chances to choose their existing enterprise software as well as arrive mobile. For illustration if a client human relationship organisation runs on Windows y'all could - without much farther evolution - arrive run on a Windows pad. This agency at that topographic point would last no incentive to redevelop it using (say) Python to run on iOS.

(c) it gets a large number of people used to the Windows system. There is a lot of human uppercase developed inwards using estimator systems - trying to alter - fifty-fifty Windows to Mac or vice-versa costs a lot of fourth dimension equally y'all piece of work out how to state re-create a file to an external hard drive or from a camera.

(d) it leads y'all to a earth where the pad has some computing powerfulness - but if y'all demand to a greater extent than grunt y'all connect it to a docking station inwards plow connected to a fast cyberspace connecter as well as y'all position the powerfulness inwards a cloud as well as rent the powerfulness out past times usage. H5N1 earth of semi-smart terminals - a pad if non docked, a super-computer if docked.

But the combined desktop interface has a big problem. Because desktops as well as pads as well as phones create unlike things they receive got unlike interfaces. H5N1 windows, icons, mouse as well as line downward carte du jour interface has a venerable history because it works.

The Ubuntu Unity failure

Microsoft is non the only political party that sees a convergence of pads as well as computers. Ubuntu - past times far the leading travail to brand a workable Linux desktop for a really large marketplace - did a consummate revamp of their desktop changing from a Windows type interface (Gnome 2) to a Mac/pad type interface (Unity). They had large, immovable buttons - but correct to occupation amongst fingers. Pull downward menus were dramatically reduced inwards frequency as well as importance.

This transition was a mess. Utterly horrible. You are non convinced: google the phrase unity sucks.

However - as well as this is fair - Linux desktop users (we are a modest tribe) are in all likelihood the most motivated to larn novel systems of whatsoever grouping on the planet. Moreover Unity did acquire ameliorate through time.

Apple also knows that combining the interface is really difficult. That is why they receive got never taken their Mac interface as well as position it on a pad or vice versa.

You could receive got worked out the difficulty but past times trying to occupation Unity (but I uncertainty likewise many people inwards the Microsoft evolution squad tried that line a fast 1 on - because it is Linux as well as non developed there).

I told the whole hapless Unity story to a senior onetime Microsoft employee as well as he thought they would non last so stupid to attempt the combined desktop. He thought that the interface would alter dramatically when the estimator was docked - looking to a greater extent than similar Windows vii (a proficient system) when docked as well as to a greater extent than similar a Windows telephone (also an adequate system) when mobile.

What Microsoft has done

Microsoft receive got tried what I originally thought impossible or at to the lowest degree stupid. They did non alter the interface of Windows 8 much to bargain amongst the unlike ways y'all communicate amongst that interface. (Fingers versus keyboard as well as mouse for instance.)

Here is the video which had me selling my Microsoft stake. Its a estimator reviewer filming his dad trying to occupation Windows 8.

I watched this as well as the hurting of job recognition came over me.  This was exactly how I felt when I offset used Ubuntu Unity.

This was a predictable problem. It is a job that every user of Ubuntu suffered through. This is a administration materials upwardly of the offset order.

What Microsoft has done to its business

Firstly Microsoft has non understood its existent franchise. Its existent franchise is computers on which people create work. They don't play. They write stuff. They come inwards data. They manipulate graphs. They mightiness fifty-fifty edit a video.

These computers are tools as well as the operating organisation is but the air they breathe. On a solar daytime to solar daytime footing they don't think most the operating organisation - they only think most it when it changes.

What they should receive got done is kept something unopen to a Windows vii interface when the estimator is docked as well as something unopen to a pad interface when the estimator is mobile. Instead they forced people to relate to a pad interface via a keyboard. They assumed their users were equally motivated equally (say) Ubuntu users - whereas most their users don't give a fig most learning a novel system. Changes to a proven interface either receive got to last incremental (so y'all convey your audience along amongst you) or so self explanatory that the audience learns inwards xx minutes (thank y'all Apple). Windows 8 is neither.

Prediction: this volition air current upwardly amongst a lower corporate choose upwardly charge per unit of measurement than Vista (ie adjacent to none).

Prediction 2: this volition accelerate, rather than tedious down, the charge per unit of measurement at which enterprises choose their enterprise specific software into platform independent programs

Prediction 3: by stuffing this upwardly Microsoft has but most lost its bet on moving the retail estimator marketplace into docking cloud computers. Apple volition create this. And they volition create it past times stealth.

Apple, the forthcoming decease of the Mac Pro as well as cloud computing

Bob Cringely set out Apple's plans a spell agone - commenting on all things the lack of an upgrade of the motherboard of a Mac Pro during the latest circular of Apple upgrades. The Mac Pro is the most powerful Mac as well as the only Mac on which users tin add together their ain components through expansion slots.

Being the most powerful Mac it is honey past times powerfulness users. The definitive powerfulness users are people similar video editors. These people desire to download huge amounts of information to their (expandable) auto as well as thence similar the fastest download protocols. The fastest electrical flow USB protocol - used for state getting cloth from high Definition camcorders - is USB3. You would think that USB3 would last criterion inwards a Mac Pro.

But the motherboard does non receive got it despite USB3 existence a few years old.

And when they did non upgrade the Mac Pro to USB3 Cringely rightly asked what Apple would create most their powerfulness users. Here was his conclusion:

Apple volition eventually receive got to explicate to those folks [power users] how less is to a greater extent than as well as how this novel earth [no expandable computers] is fifty-fifty ameliorate for them. I think I know how Apple volition create it. 
When the Mac Pro dies for proficient Apple volition supercede it inwards the marketplace amongst a combination of Thunderbolt-linked Mac Mini computing bricks backed upwardly past times rented cloud processing, all driven from an iMac or MacBook workstation. 
I but wonder when they’ll acquire unopen to to telling us?
Apple's residual canvass is consistent amongst this vision. Apple has been developing huge cloud computing facilities evidenced past times the vast expansion of property, flora as well as equipment inwards their residual canvass (which has been piling this materials on inwards the billions).

Windows 8 - a production that gets people used to as well as software developed for a pad that docks - was Microsoft's way of getting used to the thought of portable computers amongst rented super-computer cloud space.

And it volition last a failure because Microsoft, non for the offset time, receive got lost their persuasion of existent users.

I held Microsoft for xviii months (and it was non a bad investment). But final nighttime I gave up.

For comment.


*There are other lock-ins at Microsoft - for instance my line concern partner irregularly writes Visual Basic algorithms for spreadsheets. Visual Basic is Microsoft proprietary as well as these spreadsheets lock us into having at to the lowest degree 1 Microsoft auto inwards the office. I complain regularly most this - but Simon is over twoscore as well as pedagogy old-dogs novel tricks is hard. He has a lot of human uppercase invested inwards his powerfulness to crank out something inwards Visual Basic.

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