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The Query One Wanted To Inquire At The Berkshire Meeting

I never got to enquire a enquiry at the Berkshire meeting. I was a picayune awed in addition to did non fifty-fifty enquire until nearly 2pm (which was silly). There was a lottery ticket organization to decide who got to enquire a enquiry anyway.

So hither goes (and for the most occupation I real produce non know the answer).

Insurance companies sell promises to brand practiced existent goods in addition to services to a greater extent than or less fourth dimension inwards the hereafter for cash now. For event they hope to pay someone's medical expenses or a nursing habitation neb nation 10 years subsequently a premium has been collected. 
They by in addition to large concur the cash receipts inwards cash in addition to bonds. Berkshire equally good occupation to a greater extent than or less existent assets (eg railways) in addition to many banking stocks. 
Because insurance companies are curt existent goods in addition to services in addition to long cash in addition to other nominal assets they negatively affected past times inflation. Long tail insurance companies are patently worse striking amongst inflation than curt tail companies. 
Can you lot run through the major Berkshire insurance businesses (GEICO, Gen Re, Ajit Jain's concern in addition to others) in addition to enjoin us what harm inflation volition produce in addition to why?

Answers are gratefully accepted - peculiarly from Uncles Charlie in addition to Warren (who I somehow doubtfulness read this blog).


PS. I should expose because people are doubting it - that is LONG Berkshire stock.


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