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Local Regulation

A dainty brusque video describing simply about of the trials too tribulations of an splendid Hyde Park cafe trying to navigate our city's over-regulation:

H5N1 few things struck me virtually this story, which solely scratches the surface of troubles pocket-size businesses bring inward Chicago.

We speak virtually "regulation," but the existent number is rules vs. discretion. Regulating yesteryear uncomplicated clear rules is much improve than regulation yesteryear discretion, or yesteryear rules then complex they total to discretion. When a zoning inspector tin dismiss come upward inward afterwards the fact too ever abide by something wrong, it's inward invitation to corruption. We are increasingly a dry reason inward which "regulation" way that regulators tin dismiss enjoin people what to produce on a whim, non 1 inward which clear objective rules are imposed.

The sick effects of this sort of over-regulation are difficult to measure, then they tend to hold out forgotten. We speak virtually taxation rates, spending too laws. But how produce y'all quantify the far to a greater extent than of import effects of this sort of thing? It's far worse than an explicit tax, or on the books spending. But it simply shows upward every bit mysterious lack of business. We tin dismiss abide by isolated anectdotes, but how produce nosotros add together upward the effects of regulatory harassment across the whole country?

I am reminded over again of Greece. Pundits speak virtually how Hellenic Republic needs its ain currency then it tin dismiss devalue its way to prosperity. But the form of affliction shown hither inward Chicago is multiplied a hundred flexure there, too no telephone substitution charge per unit of measurement tin dismiss solve it.

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