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Phil Falcone Tries To Rip Off Taxpayers

This is from the guy who took a $113 1000000 loan from a fund he managed for his clients.

His vehicle - Lightsquared - owned a bunch of satellite spectrum. It was zoned for satellite - allowed to live on used for low powered devices that did non interfere amongst users of following spectrum.

He got its purpose changed - then that he could purpose it for high powered devices - that is a terrestrial LTE network. There was a condition. That his devices did non interfere amongst following devices - namely GPS receivers.

This status was clear correct from the start.

Tests were conducted to run into whether Phil's network would interfere amongst the GPS system.

And it did. And how. The devices could jam GPS at many miles range.

OK - then Phil was non allowed to construct his LTE network.

He withal owns satellite spectrum. What he started with. The FCC took aught from him.

But he wants the FCC to plow over him spectrum he is allowed to purpose - spectrum to a greater extent than valuable than the materials he previously owned.

They can’t simply exit us without approximately option to construct a network,” said Jeff Carlisle, Lightsquared's EVP for regulatory affairs too world policy, at a briefing amongst media on Friday.

Yes they can. And they should. Of course of written report I could anteroom the FCC to larn them to plow over me 10-20 billion dollars worth of spectrum I am non entitled to.

I could. But I am non that brazen.

If the authorities wants to plow over away that much spectrum they should auction it too the coin should live on used for the produce goodness of all taxpayers (say yesteryear paying off debt).

Make no fault nearly it. If y'all are an American taxpayer Phil Falcone is trying to loot assets that rightly belong to you.

You should non allow him. And y'all should despair if he gets away amongst it.


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