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In Praise Of Frank Lowy

Wayne Swan the Treasurer of Commonwealth of Australia (in United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland parlance the Chancellor of the Exchequer, inwards US parlance the Secretary of the Treasury) has been publicly criticizing the novel Australian billionaires as well as their political influence alert that they are a opportunity to the Australian ethos of the "fair go".

He is quoted equally follows:

"A handful of vested interests that guide maintain pocketed a disproportionate part of the nation's economical success instantly experience they guide maintain a correct to cast Australia's hereafter to satisfy their ain self-interest."
Swan's critics guide maintain defendant him of "class warfare".

This volition travel highly familiar to American readers who guide maintain got used to living inwards a footing where lots of coin gives you lot improve access to speech. I guide maintain barely met an American who disagrees amongst this sentiment but mainly when the said pile of coin disagrees amongst them.

To liberals inwards America the Koch brothers are evil incarnate.

Several conservatives intend the same affair nearly Warren Buffett when he argues the rich should pay to a greater extent than tax. Governor Christie's comments were but plainly angry. George Soros induces apoplexy inwards some conservatives.

And most Americans intend at that spot is something unseemly nearly K-Street as well as the influence peddling lobbyists of Capital Hill.

Money politics - American fashion - is settling inwards in Australia. Wayne Swan knows it.

But inwards Commonwealth of Australia it is potentially much to a greater extent than unsafe than inwards America. Our new-era Australian billionaires - the ones Wayne Swan rails against - are all billionaires from resources extraction. They all larn their coin yesteryear earthworks upwards things that potentially belong to all Australians as well as selling them to foreigners. And they railed against the resources rent taxation (a taxation whereby the ease of us got paid something for their bounty). As good they might. And they track against carbon trading schemes.

Indeed American fashion coin politics inwards Commonwealth of Australia is far to a greater extent than insidious than inwards the USA because our billionaires are far less diverse. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 diverseness inwards billionaires (and inwards the means they brand their money) gives us a diverseness of billionaire opinion. You tin strength out larn the Koch Brothers as well as George Soros inwards i arrangement - as well as to some extent their opinions (and the coin amongst which they foist them onto the ease of us) offset each other. The residue is preserved.

Here nosotros opportunity no balance. And as well as so I am writing a post to order you lot but how of import Frank Lowy has become. Frank is an opinionated billionaire who made his coin from belongings administration as well as shopping centres. He is "Mr Westfield". He is likewise highly opinionated as well as funds his ain think-tank (the Lowy Institute). I guide maintain inwards the yesteryear disagreed amongst him strongly - but at the minute I am but darn pleased that he is there.

Lowy is fighting amongst Clive Palmer (a resources billionaire) nearly of all billionaire disputes - the describe of piece of occupation concern of owning football game teams. But I promise that is but the showtime of it. He is our most opinionated non-resource billionaire, i amongst a global perspective - as well as of a precipitous he is usage of the hereafter of Australian democracy.

Frank Lowy (despite the high character think-tank) has never shown the intellectual depth as well as breadth of vision of George Soros. I am but equally familiar amongst his influence on local councils (getting his projects approved as well as his challenger projects rejected) than I am amongst his global vision. But Frank is all nosotros guide maintain got. Billionaire visions are pretty sparse some here.

I never idea I would state this. Frank Lowy - your reason needs you.


PS. I am a hedge fund manager. My task is to abide by rich people, invest their coin as well as brand them richer. The rising of an Australian plutocracy is so inwards my interests but I would prefer a plurality of plutocrat clients.

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