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The Sino Woods Independent Commission Written Report - Purpose 2

Sino Forest's Independent Committee of Directors has - as explained before - concluded in that place was no substantial fraud at Sino Forest.

Here without adornment is around other paragraph (paragraph 54) from the process memorandum sent past times the Independent Committee's legal in addition to accounting advisers to their constabulary firm:

The extent of historical electronic information (e.g. emails) at the Guangzhou component subdivision where ii of the senior members of Management are located (CHEN Hua in addition to Albert ZHAO) was near non-existent. There was no backup of the electronic mail server (according to Management, the electronic mail in addition to file servers were non existence backed upward at this location). The earliest electronic mail retrieved from Ms. Chen in addition to Mr. Zhao’s computers in addition to servers was dated June 10, 2011. It is to survive noted that the IC Advisors attended at the aforementioned component subdivision on June 13, 2011 for information preservation simply access to the society servers in addition to information technology staff was denied past times Ms. Chen. Subsequently, on June 15, 2011, the IC Advisors were provided access to receive down information preservation.

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